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RCIN and OZwRCIN projects

Search for: [Subject and Keywords = natural environment] OR [Subject and Keywords = urban agglomerations] OR [Subject and Keywords = urban climate] OR [Subject and Keywords = urban bioclimate] OR [Subject and Keywords = river valleys management] OR [Subject and Keywords = Vistula river valley] OR [Subject and Keywords = vegetation of Warsaw] OR [Subject and Keywords = birds of Warsaw] OR [Subject and Keywords = suburban zones] OR [Subject and Keywords = Warsaw suburban zone] OR [Subject and Keywords = national parks] OR [Subject and Keywords = protection plans of national parks] OR [Subject and Keywords = protecion plan of Kampinoski National Park] OR [Subject and Keywords = Warsaw] OR [Subject and Keywords = Środowisko przyrodnicze \-\- Polska \-\- Warszawa \(aglomeracja\) \[KABA\]] OR [Subject and Keywords = Warszawa \(Polska \; aglomeracja\) \-\- klimat \[KABA\]] OR [Subject and Keywords = aglomeracje miejskie] OR [Subject and Keywords = środowisko przyrodnicze] OR [Subject and Keywords = klimat miast] OR [Subject and Keywords = bioklimat miast] OR [Subject and Keywords = zagospodarowanie dolin rzecznych] OR [Subject and Keywords = dolina Wisły] OR [Subject and Keywords = roślinność Warszawy] OR [Subject and Keywords = ptaki Warszawy] OR [Subject and Keywords = strefy podmiejskie] OR [Subject and Keywords = strefa podmiejska Warszawy] OR [Subject and Keywords = parki narodowe] OR [Subject and Keywords = plany ochrony parków narodowych] OR [Subject and Keywords = Warszawa] OR [Subject and Keywords = Kampinoski Park Narodowy] OR [Title = Badania środowiska fizycznogeograficznego aglomeracji warszawskiej \: zbiór prac = Studies on physicogeographical environment for Warsaw agglomeration] OR [Title = Badania środowiska fizycznogeograficznego aglomeracji warszawskiej \: zbiór prac = Studies on physicogeographical environment for Warsaw agglomeration]

Number of results: 434

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Kuchcik, Magdalena Błażejczyk, Krzysztof Milewski, Paweł Szmyd, Jakub


Banach, Mieczysław (1938– )


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