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RCIN and OZwRCIN projects

Search for: [Subject and Keywords = geomorphology] OR [Subject and Keywords = river terraces] OR [Subject and Keywords = river channels] OR [Subject and Keywords = alluvial plains] OR [Subject and Keywords = tectonic movements] OR [Subject and Keywords = neotectonics] OR [Subject and Keywords = Podhale] OR [Subject and Keywords = Terasy zalewowe \[KABA\]] OR [Subject and Keywords = Podhale \(Polska \; region\) \-\- geografia \[KABA\]] OR [Subject and Keywords = geomorfologia] OR [Subject and Keywords = terasy rzeczne] OR [Subject and Keywords = koryta rzeczne] OR [Subject and Keywords = równiny aluwialne] OR [Subject and Keywords = ruchy tektoniczne] OR [Subject and Keywords = neotektonika] OR [Subject and Keywords = Podhale] OR [Title = Kształtowanie koryt i teras rzecznych w warunkach zróżnicowanych ruchów tektonicznych \(na przykładzie wschodniego Podhala\) = Formirovanie rečnych rusel i terras v usloviâch differencirovannych tektoničeskich dviženij \(na primere vostočnogo Podgaliâ\) = Channel and terrace formation due to differential tectonic movements \( with the Eastern Podhale basin as example\)] OR [Title = Kształtowanie koryt i teras rzecznych w warunkach zróżnicowanych ruchów tektonicznych \(na przykładzie wschodniego Podhala\) = Formirovanie rečnych rusel i terras v usloviâch differencirovannych tektoničeskich dviženij \(na primere vostočnogo Podgaliâ\) = Channel and terrace formation due to differential tectonic movements \( with the Eastern Podhale basin as example\)] OR [Creator = Baumgart\-Kotarba, Maria \(1941–2011\)] OR [Creator = Baumgart\-Kotarba, Maria \(1941–2011\)]

Number of results: 192

Items per page:

Zaborski, Bogdan (1901–1985) Zakłady Graficzne B. Wierzbicki i Spółka


Gorczyca, Elżbieta Krzemień, Kazimierz Łyp, Michał


Sawicki, Ludomir (1884–1928)


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