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RCIN and OZwRCIN projects

Search for: [Subject and Keywords = extent of glaciations] OR [Subject and Keywords = history of the flora] OR [Subject and Keywords = dunes] OR [Subject and Keywords = stratigraphy] OR [Subject and Keywords = kames] OR [Subject and Keywords = peat bogs] OR [Subject and Keywords = loess soils] OR [Subject and Keywords = postglacial lakes] OR [Subject and Keywords = disappearance of lakes] OR [Subject and Keywords = Noteć Basin] OR [Subject and Keywords = Warta river valley] OR [Subject and Keywords = Leningrad] OR [Subject and Keywords = Cracow] OR [Subject and Keywords = Kampinos Forest] OR [Subject and Keywords = Poland] OR [Subject and Keywords = zasięgi zlodowaceń] OR [Subject and Keywords = historia flory] OR [Subject and Keywords = analiza pyłkowa] OR [Subject and Keywords = wydmy] OR [Subject and Keywords = stratygrafia] OR [Subject and Keywords = przełom Warty] OR [Subject and Keywords = kemy] OR [Subject and Keywords = torfowiska] OR [Subject and Keywords = gleby lessowe] OR [Subject and Keywords = jeziora polodowcowe] OR [Subject and Keywords = zanikanie jezior] OR [Subject and Keywords = dorzecze Noteci] OR [Subject and Keywords = Leningrad] OR [Subject and Keywords = Kraków] OR [Subject and Keywords = Polska] OR [Subject and Keywords = Puszcza Kampinoska] OR [Title = Przegląd Geograficzny T. 33 z. 3 \(1961\)] OR [Title = Przegląd Geograficzny T. 33 z. 3 \(1961\)]

Number of results: 4 310

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Stadnicki, Antoni Bronisław (1874–1906) E. Wende i S-ka. Księgarnia D. E. Friedleina (Kraków)


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