  • Typ zasobu
  • Kolekcje
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  • Format treści
  • Dostępność obiektu
  • Data wydania/powstania Data związana z konkretnym wydarzeniem cyklu życia zasobu.
  • Dostęp
Projekty RCIN i OZwRCIN

Szukana fraza: [Abstrakt = "The aim of this paper was to determine the changes in the rural settlement network in Poland in 2000‑2019. The authors analyzed the status and dynamics of quantitative changes in the rural settlement network and their spatial differentiation and attempted to identify the main causes influencing these variations. The research procedure was based on the hypothesis that changes in the rural settlement network in Poland observed in the 21st century are not unidirectional, which leads to the emergence of different types of areas with diverse trends in their socio\-economic development. The study showed a decrease in the density of the rural settlement network, an increase in the average size of villages and a significant regional variation in the values of individual parameters. There are also considerable disproportions in the trends of changes in the settlement network depending on location of rural areas in relation to large cities."]

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