RCIN and OZwRCIN projects

Search for: [References = "Nadin, V., Fernández Maldonado, A., Zonneveld, W., Stead, D., Dąbrowski, M., Piskorek, K., Sarkar, A., Schmitt, P., Smas, L., Cotella, G., Rivolin, U., Solly, A., Berisha, E., Pede, E., Seardo, B., Komornicki, T., Goch, K., Bednarek\-Szczepańsk,a M., Degórska, B., Szejgiec\-Kolenda, B., Śleszyński, P., Lüer, C., Böhme, K., Nedovic\-Budic, Z., Williams, B., Varghese, J., Colic, N., Knaap, G., Csák, L., Faragó, L., Mezei, C., Kovács, I., Pamer, Z., Reimer, M., \& Münter, A. \(2018\). COMPASS \- Comparative Analysis of Territorial Governance and Spatial Planning Systems in Europe Applied Research 2016\-2018 Final Report. Luxembourg\: ESPON.\(\{\[citation_location\:\]\}\)"]

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