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Title: Religious sects as a threat to social security in the Republic of Armenia


Król-Mazur, Renata ORCID

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Studia z Dziejów Rosji i Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej, Vol. 58, No 3 (2023), Special Issue


Institute of History of the Polish Academy of Sciences


Instytut Historii im. Tadeusza Manteuffla Polskiej Akademii Nauk

Place of publishing:



p. 109-133 ; Content outline also in Polish.


The article presents the contemporary religious situation in Armenia. It explains why the Armenian society perceives members of minority churches and various religious associations as enemies of their country and national unity. It contributes to research on internal security, especially on social and cultural security. The internal security of the Republic of Armenia rests on two central pillars: national culture and related Christian religion, tradition and spiritual inheritance – all of which are equated with the Holy Armenian Apostolic Church (AAC). Therefore, AAC is the primary entity fighting cultural threats and opposing secularisation. The text will show what threats to the Republic of Armenia are posed by the quick growth of religious “sects”. One thing that should be clarified at the very beginning is that AAC uses the term “sect” with reference to other churches and religious associations. Particular emphasis will be placed on investigating the relationships between religious “sects” and the world of politics and business. The author will also outline the involvement of religious “sects” in the political events in Armenia and attempt to present their perception by the society and state authorities. The author wants to demonstrate how religious “sects” and AAC – which fights against them using nationalistic slogans – may contribute to social unrest. Although the Armenian Apostolic Church exposes the problem caused by the presence of religious sects and the threat they pose to Armenian culture and nation, the author was unable to find a sufficient number of respondents to conduct a questionnaire survey on the presence of religious sects in the life of the Armenian society. Usually, respondents claim that these are marginal groups that we should not worry about. That is why the activity of religious “sects” was analysed based on the materials provided by the Armenian media (including independent media) and the information service of the Armenian Apostolic Church.


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Studia z Dziejów Rosji i Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej





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