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RCIN and OZwRCIN projects

Search for: [Subject and Keywords = Poland 19th c.] OR [Subject and Keywords = Królestwo Polskie \(Polish Kingdom\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Greek Catholic Church] OR [Subject and Keywords = clergy] OR [Subject and Keywords = education] OR [Subject and Keywords = Polska 19 w.] OR [Subject and Keywords = Królestwo Polskie] OR [Subject and Keywords = Kościół greckokatolicki] OR [Subject and Keywords = duchowieństwo] OR [Subject and Keywords = edukacja] OR [Title = Le niveau d’instruction du clergé catholique de rite grec dans le Royaume de Pologne au XIXe siècle] OR [Title = Le niveau d’instruction du clergé catholique de rite grec dans le Royaume de Pologne au XIXe siècle] OR [Creator = Kołbuk, Witold \(1950– \)] OR [Creator = Kołbuk, Witold \(1950– \)]

Number of results: 790

Items per page:

Salmonowicz, Stanisław (1931–2022)


Sikorska-Kulesza, Jolanta (1957– )


Murzynowska, Krystyna ( –2008) Kozłowski, Eligiusz (1924–1987) Ratusiński, Bogusław Rozdolski, Roman (1898–1967) Kaczyńska, Elżbieta Piesowicz, Kazimierz


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