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RCIN and OZwRCIN projects

Search for: [Subject and Keywords = honorification] OR [Subject and Keywords = populism] OR [Subject and Keywords = populistic discourse] OR [Subject and Keywords = political communication] OR [Subject and Keywords = honoryfikatywność] OR [Subject and Keywords = populizm] OR [Subject and Keywords = dyskurs populistyczny] OR [Subject and Keywords = komunikowanie polityczne] OR [Title = Honorification as a method of creating relations between interlocutors in populism] OR [Title = Honoryfikatywność jako sposób kształtowania relacji w populizmie] OR [Creator = Kołodziejczak, Małgorzata] OR [Creator = Wrześniewska\-Pietrzak, Marta] OR [Creator = Kołodziejczak, Małgorzata] OR [Creator = Wrześniewska\-Pietrzak, Marta]

Number of results: 3

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