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Title: Z kresów wschodnich na zachodnie. Relacje przesiedleńców z komentarzem językowym. Tom 1. Tarnopolskie

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Instytut Języka Polskiego Polskiej Akademii Nauk

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364 s. : il. ; 24 cm


From Eastern to Western borderlands. Accounts of displaced persons with a linguistic commentary. Volume I. Tarnopol provinceThe publication is based on materials collected in the 1990s by Dr. Władysław Paryl from the Faculty of Philology at the University of Wrocław, together with his students. In Lower Silesia, Dr. Paryl and his team carried out a dialectological field research in localities to which displaced persons from the Eastern borderlands (Kresy Wschodnie) had arrived half a century earlier. The accounts originally served as annexes to the master’s theses of the students of Dr. Paryl; in this volume all materials have been revised and provided with a linguistic commentary.The volume contains the accounts of 36 people who at the end of World War II were forced to leave their hometowns in Tarnopol province, the former Eastern borderlands (Kresy Wschodnie) of the Second Polish Republic. These are reports from the following villages: Borki Wielkie, Boryczówka, Hałuszczyńce, Hanaczów, Kaczanówka, Kozłów, Krowinka, Wicyń, Wojciechówka, Zniesienie.The texts have a different length and cover a variety of topics. The displaced persons recalled the images from their childhood in the Eastern Borderlands, local customs, everyday life, holiday celebrations, preparing meals, farm work, relations with neighbours, Polish-Ukrainian relations, the World War II, the hardships of traveling to the Western Territories, coping with new reality and political situation. It can be seen as a chronicle of their life – firstly in the Eastern and then in the Western Borderlands.The accounts were presented using semi-phonetic spelling, which seems more understandable to a non-linguistic reader, and at the same time allows to graphically reflect the most important phonetic features of the respondents’ language using the available, non-specialized graphic symbols.The Notes on Language (p. 10) show linguistic features important for the dialect from the southern part of the Eastern Borderlands, preserved in the pronunciation of older respondents. The publication also has a Thematic index (p. 355) with references to the appropriate place in the volume. Illustrations include historical and contemporary photographs of the discussed towns, photos of documents, fragments of maps.The memoirs included in the volume serve as a valuable testimony of the past, a source of knowledge about the fate of Eastern Poles and their difficult history. We hope that the monograph will become valuable for further linguistic, historical and sociological research

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