RCIN and OZwRCIN projects


Title: The influence of the fish population on the biocenosis of a pond using Rotifera fauna as an illustration


Hillbricht-Ilkowska, Anna

Date issued/created:


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Wpływ populacji ryb na biocenozę stawu na przykładzie fauny Rotatoria


Polska Akademia Nauk. Komitet Ekologiczny


Państwowe Wydawnictwa Naukowe

Place of publishing:



Pages 453-503, 1 folded leaf of plates : illustrations ; 24 cm ; Bibliographical references (pages 498-502) ; Abstract in Polish

Type of object:



A fish population (carp fry) increases the abundance and the duration of occurrence of plankton rotifers during the four months growing season of the ponds. This is due to the increase in the abundance of detritus and bacterioplankton due to transformation of the pond habitat by fish. Within the Rotifera fauna, the fish population increases the abundance of two small species of Rotifera: Keratella cochkaris (Gosse) and K. quadrata (O. F. Müller). Fish culture in the ponds results in the littoral species of Rotifera disappearing as the result of the elimination of mosaic character of the littoral habitat.


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