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Title: A comparative study of the life strategies of two bacterial-feeding nematodes under laboratory conditions. 1, Influence of culture conditions on selected life-history parameters of Acrobeloides nanus (de Man 1880) Anderson 1968 and Dolichorhabditis dolichura (Schneider 1866) Andrássy 1983


Ilieva-Makulec, Krassimira

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Life strategies of two bacterial-feeding nematodes I ; Influence of culture conditions on selected life-history parameters of Acrobeloides nanus (de Man 1880) Anderson 1968 and Dolichorhabditis dolichura (Schneider 1866) Andrássy 1983


Polish Academy of Sciences. Institute of Ecology


Polish Academy of Sciences. Institute of Ecology. Publishing Office

Place of publishing:

Dziekanów Leśny


Pages 29-43 : illustrations ; 27 cm ; Bibliographical references (pages 41-43)

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Selected life-history parameters like age of maturity, fecundity, egg development time, pattern of growth and reproduction, longevity and intrinsic rate of natural increase (r) were compared for two bacterial-feeding nematode species in xenic (with a several bacterial species as food) and monoxenic (with a bacteria Sporosarcina sp. as a food organism) agar cultures at 20° C.There were pronounced differences in the life-history patterns of the two species in both types of culture conditions. D. dolichura showed a higher growth and development rate than A. nanus. D. dolichura had a shorter pre-reproductive period, a shorter reproductive period but more intensive pattern of reproduction, a shorter total life span and a considerably greater r than A. nanus.The differences in life-history traits of the two nematode species were discussed with reference to their adaptive significance for habitat properties. While D. dolichura represents short-lived habitats with temporarily high food supply, A. nanus can be found in habitats of various food abundance.


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