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RCIN and OZwRCIN projects

Search for: [Subject and Keywords = ecodevelopment] OR [Subject and Keywords = key villages] OR [Subject and Keywords = rural settlement] OR [Subject and Keywords = bioclimatology] OR [Subject and Keywords = Menex bioclimatic model] OR [Subject and Keywords = palaeogeography] OR [Subject and Keywords = glaciations] OR [Subject and Keywords = maps of potential natural vegetation] OR [Subject and Keywords = anthropopression] OR [Subject and Keywords = water degradation] OR [Subject and Keywords = lakes] OR [Subject and Keywords = freezing of the ground] OR [Subject and Keywords = Mongolia] OR [Subject and Keywords = Vistula Lagoon] OR [Subject and Keywords = ice conditions] OR [Subject and Keywords = permafrost] OR [Subject and Keywords = pingo] OR [Subject and Keywords = palaeohydrology] OR [Subject and Keywords = human geography] OR [Subject and Keywords = medical geography] OR [Subject and Keywords = Kashubian Coast] OR [Subject and Keywords = Krajna Lakeland] OR [Subject and Keywords = Warsaw region] OR [Subject and Keywords = North\-Eastern Poland] OR [Subject and Keywords = ekorozwój] OR [Subject and Keywords = osadnictwo wiejskie] OR [Subject and Keywords = wsie kluczowe] OR [Subject and Keywords = bioklmatologia] OR [Subject and Keywords = Menex \(model bioklimatyczny\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = paleogeografia] OR [Subject and Keywords = zlodowacenia] OR [Subject and Keywords = Polska Północno\-Wschodnia] OR [Subject and Keywords = mapy potencjalnej roślinności naturalnej] OR [Subject and Keywords = okolice Warszawy] OR [Subject and Keywords = antropopresja] OR [Subject and Keywords = degradacja wód jezior] OR [Subject and Keywords = przemarzanie gruntu] OR [Subject and Keywords = zjawiska lodowe] OR [Subject and Keywords = zmarzlina] OR [Subject and Keywords = pingo] OR [Subject and Keywords = pradoliny] OR [Subject and Keywords = paleohydrologia] OR [Subject and Keywords = Pobrzeże Kaszubskie] OR [Subject and Keywords = nazewnictwo geograficzne] OR [Subject and Keywords = geografia człowieka] OR [Subject and Keywords = geografia medyczna] OR [Subject and Keywords = Zalew Wiślany] OR [Subject and Keywords = Mongolia] OR [Subject and Keywords = Pojezierze Krajeńskie] OR [Title = Przegląd Geograficzny T. 66 z. 1\-2 \(1994\)] OR [Title = Przegląd Geograficzny T. 66 z. 1\-2 \(1994\)]

Number of results: 347

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