Search for: [Subject and Keywords = atmospheric thaws] OR [Subject and Keywords = thaw periods >10,20,30 days] OR [Subject and Keywords = thaw\-start and thaw\-end\-date] OR [Subject and Keywords = temporal variability] OR [Subject and Keywords = spatial distribution] OR [Subject and Keywords = NAO index] OR [Subject and Keywords = odwilże atmosferyczne] OR [Subject and Keywords = okresy odwilżowe > 10,20,30 dni] OR [Subject and Keywords = początek i koniec odwilży] OR [Subject and Keywords = zmienność czasowa] OR [Subject and Keywords = rozmieszczenie] OR [Subject and Keywords = wskaźnik NAO] OR [Title = The occurrence of atmospheric thaw in Poland over the last 50 years] OR [Title = The occurrence of atmospheric thaw in Poland over the last 50 years] OR [Creator = Czarnecka, Małgorzata] OR [Creator = Nidzgorska\-Lencewicz, Jadwiga] OR [Creator = Czarnecka, Małgorzata] OR [Creator = Nidzgorska\-Lencewicz, Jadwiga]