RCIN and OZwRCIN projects


Title: Inwazje biologiczne jako zagrożenie dla przyrody i gospodarki


Solarz, Wojciech

Date issued/created:


Resource type:


Group publication title:

Integralna Ochrona Przyrody


Institute of Nature Conservation of the Polish Academy of Sciences

Place of publishing:



24 cm ; bibliografia na stronach 279-280 ; ISBN 978-83-918914-9-0

Type of object:



Baskin Y. 2002. A plague of rats and rubbervines. Island Press, Shearwater Books. Washington/London: 1-377.
Cox G. W. 2004. Alien Species and Evolution. Island Press, Washington.
Delivering Alien Invasive Species Inventories for Europe (DAISIE) www.europe-aliens.org
Dróżdż J., Demiaszkiewicz A. W., Lachowicz J. 2003. Expansion of the Asiatic parasite Ashworthius sidemi (Nematoda, Trichostrongylidae) in wild rumnants in Polish territory. Parasitology Research 89: 94-97.
Gatunki obce w Polsce. Baza danych. Instytut Ochrony Przyrody PAN, www.iop.krakow.pl/ias
Genovesi P., Shine C. 2003. European Strategy on Invasive Alien Species. Council of Europe, T-pvs (2003) 8: 1-50.
Global Invasive Species Program (GISP), www.gisp.org
Hoffmeister T. S., Vet L. EM., Biere A., Holsinger K., Filser J. 2005. Ecological and Evolutionary Consequences of Biological Invasion and Habitat Fragmentation. Ecosystems 8 pp. 657-667.
Invasive Species Specialist Group (ISSG), www.issg.org
Konwencja o ochronie różnorodności biologicznej. Decyzja Szóstej Konferencji Stron. www.biodiv.org/decisions/default.aspx?m=COP-06&id=7197&lg=0
Krajowa strategia ochrony i umiarkowanego użytkowania różnorodności biologicznej 2003. Ministerstwo Środowiska. www.mos.gov.pl/1materialy_informacyjne/raporty_opracowania/strategia_roznorodnosc_biologiczna.pdf
McNeely J. A., Mooney H. A., Neville L. E., Schei P., Waage J. K. (2001). A Global Strategy on Invasive Alien Species. CAB International, Wallingford, Oxon, UK.
Miller M. L., Fabian R. N. (eds) 2004. Harmful Invasive Species. Environmental Law Institute, Washington.
Nentwig W., Bacher S., Cock M. J. W., Dietz H., Gigon A., Wittemberg R. (eds) 2005. Biological Invasions - from Ecology to Control. Neobiota, vol. 6., Berlin.
North European and Baltic Network on Invasive Species (NOBANIS). www.nobanis.org
Panov V., Gollasch S. 2004. Information resources on aquatic alien species in Europe on the internet: present developments and future perspectives. VLIZ Special Publication 16.
Tokarska-Guzik B. 2003. The expansion of some alien plant species (neophytes) in Poland. W: Child L. E., Brock J. H., Brundu G., Prach K., Pyšek P., Wade P. M., Wiliamson M. (eds).Plant invasions: Ecological treats and management solutions, Backhuys Publishers, Leiden, The Netherlands, pp. 147-167.
Tokarska-Guzik B. 2005. The Establishment and Spread of Alien Plant Species (Kenophytes) in the Flora of Poland, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego. Katowice.
Wittenberg R., Cock M. J. W. 2001. Invasive Alien Species: A Toolkitof Best Prevension and Management Practices. CAB International, Wallingford, Oxon, UK.

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Bibl. IOP PAN, sygn. F 33, II 6379




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Institute of Nature Conservation of the Polish Academy of Science

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Institute of Nature Conservation of the Polish Academy of Science

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Operational Program Digital Poland, 2014-2020, Measure 2.3: Digital accessibility and usefulness of public sector information; funds from the European Regional Development Fund and national co-financing from the state budget.



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