Search for: [Subject and Keywords = apollo butterfly] OR [Subject and Keywords = Pieniny National Park] OR [Subject and Keywords = Pieniny \(mountains\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = niepylak apollo] OR [Subject and Keywords = Pieniński Park Narodowy \(Polska\) \[KABA\]] OR [Subject and Keywords = Pieniny \(góry\) \[KABA\]] OR [Subject and Keywords = Parnassius apollo] OR [Title = Restitution of the apollo butterfly, Parnassius apollo, in the Pieniny National Park] OR [Title = Restytucja niepylaka apollo Parnassius apollo w Pienińskim Parku Narodowym] OR [Creator = Witkowski, Zbigniew] OR [Creator = Budzik, Jerzy] OR [Creator = Kosior, Andrzej]