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Title: Diverse and different : on the faces of social solidarity in Warsaw


Korcelli-Olejniczak, Ewa ; Piotrowski, Filip

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Geographia Polonica Vol. 90 No. 3 (2017)



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24 cm

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Growing spatial mobility is a challenge to cities is many ways. It brings positive development impulses and social diversity, but at the same time contributes to a decomposition of existing structures and is a challenge to planning. Under the conditions of the obvious signum temporis – an intensifying hyper-diversity and a growing liquidity of values with weakening social bonds and a less evident physical rootedness, the question should be posed whether urban places can still sustain their interactive local identity based on social solidarity, mutual support and trust. The problem is tested on the example of two districts of Warsaw – Praga Północ and Ursynów. In the search for regularities in the relation between the level of social diversity on one side and social solidarity on the other, the analysis focuses on the areas characterised by fundamental differences in their historic development, built environment and social structure.


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