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Title: Kooperacja i współzarządzanie na obszarach wiejskich w Polsce. Przykład ruchu agroturystycznego = Cooperation and co-governing in the rural areas of Poland. The case of agritourism movement


Foryś, Grzegorz : Autor ; Gorlach, Krzysztof : Autor

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Studia Obszarów Wiejskich = Rural Studies, t. 51



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24 cm

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Social movements in our times are being regarded as crucial collective actors, playing key role in the process of social change. In this paper agritourism movement in Poland has been the subject of deliberations. The manner, in which such movement is involved in governance results from two premises. Firstly, it is a new social movement, that is substantially determining attitude to governance and participation in politics. Secondly, organizational structure of this movement has a collectivist character. As a consequence the latter, the internal aspect of movement’s functioning is being determined by the lack of the centralized power, hierarchical structure, weak relations concerning governance and direct democracy. The analytical frame used to characterize the agritourism movement includes a set of properties broader than the common definitions of a social movement. The paper analyses such properties of the agritourism movement as interactivity, attitude towards social change and organization of the movement. The empirical part of the article is based on research involving 20 agritourism farm owners from the Małopolskie Voivodeship and 35 leaders of agritourism associations operating in Poland. The in-depth interview (IDI) technique has been applied in both cases.


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