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Title: Podłoże teoretyczne podejścia Smart Villages w polityce UE. Perspektywa geograficzna = Theoretical considerations on the Smart Villages approach in the EU Policy: A geographical perspective


Wolski, Oskar : Autor ; Wójcik, Marcin : Autor

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Studia Obszarów Wiejskich = Rural Studies, t. 51



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24 cm

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Smart Villages is an approach to rural development currently debated within the realm of the EU policy. This concept highlights the diversity of rural areas and diverse specificity of their development challenges. It also strengthens the role of local communities, aiming to build their attitudes that enable to establish fundaments for development. Hence, it is not to design the very process of development. The approach results from the evolution of a rural development policy. The evolution, on the other hand, stems from the changes of rural areas and their perception. For that reason, the paper aims to discuss the Smart Villages approach in terms of selected contemporary rural development concepts. The paper represents a geographical perspective in the debate concerning smart development and was inspired by the authors’ thoughts on the nature of contemporary specificity related to local development and trends in the evolution of policy at this level.


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