RCIN and OZwRCIN projects


Title: Historiozoficzna interpretacja rewolucji październikowej w myśli społeczno-politycznej Slavoja Žižka


Drelich, Sławomir (1981– ) ORCID

Date issued/created:


Resource type:



Studia z Dziejów Rosji i Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej T. 57 z. 2 (2022), Artykuły

Institutional creator:

Polska Akademia Nauk, Instytut Historii im. Tadeusza Manteuffla ISNI


Institute of History of the Polish Academy of Sciences


Instytut Historii im. Tadeusza Manteuffla Polskiej Akademii Nauk

Place of publishing:



Continues: Studia z Dziejów ZSRR i Europy Środkowej ; From 1994 ed.: Wydaw. Nauk. Semper. ; p. 127-144


The article presents the interpretation of the October Revolution made by Slavoj Žižek in his social and political writings. The thinker interprets the events of the 1917 revolution in a historiosophical context. He uses some concepts of the philosophy of history of Hegel and Marx in his deliberations. The Žižek’s interpretation is presented in five steps, which illustrate the most important elements of this concept. The article is based on the content analysis of Žižek’s main texts that include the most important considerations about the Bolshevik revolution.


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Studia z Dziejów Rosji i Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej





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Article : original article



Resource Identifier:

oai:rcin.org.pl:237963 ; 1230-5057 ; 2353-6403 ; 10.12775/SDR.2022.2.06


IH PAN, sygn. A.454/57/2 ; IH PAN, sygn. A.453/57/2 Podr. ; click here to follow the link


eng ; pol

Language of abstract:

rus ; eng ; pol


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Institute of History of the Polish Academy of Sciences

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Library of the Institute of History PAS

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