Projekty RCIN i OZwRCIN


Tytuł: Coping with Religious Diversity in Everyday Life in the Borderlands of Western Europe: Catholics, Protestants and Jews in Vaals


Richter, Thomas

Data wydania/powstania:


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Inny tytuł:

Acta Poloniae Historica T. 116 (2017) ; The Wealth of Diversity Inter-religious and Inter-confessional Contacts in Central and East-Central Europe in the Early Modern Era


Hyatt, Francesca : Red. ; Instytut Historii Polskiej Akademii Nauk ; Komitet Nauk Historycznych Polskiej Akademii Nauk


Instytut Historii Polskiej Akademii Nauk

Miejsce wydania:



s. 149-169 ; 23 cm

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After the re-Catholization of the Free Imperial City of Aachen (1611–16), Protestant congregations were forced to operate underground until the Reformed Church – openly supported by the Dutch States General – found a new place of refuge in the neighbouring Dutch village of Vaals. Ca. 1680, Vaals developed into a multiconfessional site of religious freedom where Roman Catholics, Germanand Frenchspeaking Reformed, Lutherans, and Mennonites lived peacefully side by side. With the exception of everyday controversies in the early decades, the preachers of different Protestant congregations worked together. Violence on religious grounds was not part of daily life in Vaals, although it did at times intrude from the outside. Examples of this were the violent attacks on Protestant churchgoers in the middle of the eighteenth century, which were carried out by lower-class Catholics from Aachen. The Catholic clergy, on the other hand, did not engage in hate sermons. Moreover, the presence of Jews did not cause problems in Vaals and the only documented action against Jewish property was not motivated by anti-Judaism. For the Protestants of this distinctly Catholic area, Vaals became an important place of refuge for the public exercise of their faith. The diverse congregations that worshipped in Vaals knew how to cope with each other’s presence in a peaceful manner during everyday life.


Aalders Lambertus, ‘De drie kerken der reformatie in Vaals’, Jaarboekje der Limburgsche Protestanten Vereeniging, xiii (1926), 152–68.
Crutzen Frans, ‘De joodse gemeenschap Gulpen-Vaals 1783–1827. Haar begin, haar plaats, haar omgeving’, Historische en Heemkundige Studies in en rond het Geuldal, vii (1997), 212–61.
Haas Jozef A.K., De Verdeling van de Landen van Overmaas 1644–1662. Territoriale Desintegratie van een betwist Grensgebied (Assen, 1978).
Kaplan Benjamin J., Cunegondes ontvoering: een geschiedenis van religieuze strijd in de tijd van de verlichting (Amsterdam, 2014).
Kirchner Thomas, Katholiken, Lutheraner und Reformierte in Aachen 1555–1618. Konfessionskulturen im Zusammenspiel (Tübingen, 2015).
Munier Wilhelmus A.J., ‘Kerken en kerkgangers in Vaals van de Staatse tijd tot op heden’, Publications de la Société Historique et Archéologique dans le Limbourg, cxxxvi/ cxxxvii (2000/2001), 85–262.
Schmid Johann H., Zions=Freude über den Einzug ihres Königs in seinen Tempel, bey Christlicher Einweihung des neuerbaueten Evangelischen Kirch-Hauses zu Vaëls (Essen, 1737).
Simenon Gulielmus (ed.), Visitationes archidiaconales archidiaconatus Hasbaniae in dioecesi Leodiensi ab anno 1613 ad annum 1763, ii: Margraten–Widoye (Liège, 1939).
Van Agt Johannes F., Zuid-Limburg: Vaals, Wittem en Slenaken. De Nederlandse Monumenten van Geschiedenis en Kunst (The Hague, 1983).
Van der Meij Jo, De Evangelische Lutherse Kerk Vaals 1737–1987 (Vaals, 1987).
Von Asten Herbert, ‘Die religiöse Spaltung in der Reichsstadt Aachen und ihr Einfluß auf die industrielle Entwicklung der Umgebung’, Zeitschrift des Aachener Geschichtsvereins, lxviii (1956), 77–190.


Acta Poloniae Historica



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Artykuł naukowy oryginalny



Identyfikator zasobu: ; 0001-6829 ; 10.12775/APH.2017.116.06


IH PAN, sygn. A.295/116 Podr. ; IH PAN, sygn. A.296/116 ; kliknij tutaj, żeby przejść




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Instytut Historii Polskiej Akademii Nauk

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