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Title: The unwritten ‘laws of migration’: reflections on inequalities, aspirations and cultures of migration


Fratsea, Loukia-Maria : Autor ORCID

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Europa XXI 37 (2019)



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Ever since Ravenstein’s work on the “Laws of Migration”, the determinants/drivers of migration--that is, the question: ‘Why do people migrate?’ – has been at the heart of migration studies. The exploration of migration/mobility processes also emphasizes the ways that migrants decide to leave and embark on their journey and how migratory practices may orient and motivate the (im)mobility decisions and aspirations of other migrant actors, establishing various ‘cultures of migration’ and creating new ‘imaginaries of mobility’ that shape future movements. The paper aims to explore the changing aspirations of migration that influence the migration decision-making of Romanian migrants and the way these are shaped by micro, meso and structural factors in both sending and receiving countries.


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