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Title: Convergence and cohesion: the contribution made by Poland to the debate about regional policies of the European Union


Epasto, Simona

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Europa XXI 26 (2014)



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29 cm ; Każdy numer posiada własny tytuł.

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The importance of Poland to the European Union is first and foremost an excellent example of the success of the EU enlargement: a Country in which the benefits of the membership had the effect of dampeningthe euroscepticism and brought stability both on an economic and a political level. At the same time the significant contribution that Poland has brought to the management of difficulties due to the economic crisis is undeniable,not only because its economic structures are facing the global economic downturn in an excellent manner, but mainly because, even in this context, it supports the need for greater cohesion between the various partners.Poland seems to demonstrate a strong European feeling as well as the fact that it defends the way of a combined support to Member States at risk of bankruptcy and it’s making out of itself a promoter of an approach basedon solidarity. The aim of this paper is to explore the Poland’s case on many levels, from the debate concerning the potential of cohesion policy to the need of finding the necessity of reinforcing the economic governance ofthe EU as a whole, new solutions for helping the economies of the European periphery, from the question about a real politic multilevel union to the actual geoeconomics and geopolitical dynamics between the EU and itseastern countries politics. It could be used as an example to the virtuous use of structural funds of the EU and to consider a new approach to reduce regional disparities that takes into consideration local peculiarities. It alsocould represent an important starting point in order to pave the way to new policies and outlining strategies in the search for real convergence.


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