RCIN and OZwRCIN projects


Title: European regional integration. Case study of Romania


Păuna, Carmen Beatrice ; Andrei, Dalina Maria

Date issued/created:


Resource type:



Europa XXI 21 (2010)



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29 cm

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Romania after accession to the EU, on 1 January 2007, tried to find a strategy to optimize the integration of our country from economic, social, technological and environmental viewpoint. A context in which Foreign Direct Investments (FDI) help the market economy comes as appropriate to the current world-wide political landscape, but equally create and enlarge contradictions. Romania meat a new inflow of FDI after 2000, surpassing its neighbour countries year after year. But the growth prospects for 2009 continue to deteriorate sharply, as the country is expected to suffer a strong deceleration of both the domestic and the external sectors.


1. Andrei, D. (2008), The foreign direct investment in Romania, in the perspective of joining the EU., Ph.D. These defended in 2008, Unpublished.
2. Andrei, D. (2008), Direct foreign investments in Romania. Current stage of foreign investments and foreign participation to the home company's capital subscribed, Institute for Economic Forecasting and Internet Securities Inc., ISI Emerging Markets, Barometer of the Romanian Economy, <http://dp.securities.ro>
3. Andrei, L. C. (2009), Economie europeană, Editura Economică, Bucharest.
4. ARIS (2008), Foreign direct investments in Romania.
5. Bîrsan, M., (1995), Integrarea economică europeană, Vol. 1, Introducere în teorie şi practică, Carpatica, Cluj-Napoca.
6. Bîrsan, M., (1999) Integrarea economică europeană, Vol. 2, Uniunea European—Relaţii economice cu alte zone, (2007), The CDIMM Fundation Publishing House, Maramureş Corduneanu, Carmen & Iovu, Laura Larisa, FDI and regional development in Romania, RePEc.
7. Socol, C. and Socol, A. G. (2007), Romania's real convergence to EU—dream or reality, Theoretical and Applied Economics Supplement, 61–72.
8. EC, (2006), Study of FDI and regional development. The 2006 final report.
9. Zaman, G. (2007), Strategic milestones of Romania's integration to the European Union process efficiency, Theoretical and Applied Economics Supplement, 11–18.
10. Government Ordinance No. 182/1991—of Establishing the Romanian Development Agency.
11. Government Ordinance No. 67/1999—Concerning Certain Measures to Stimulate the Economic Activity.
12. Istrate, M. and Radu, L. (2007), EU Regional Policy—convergence and economic growth? Theoretical and Applied Economics Supplement, 247–260.
13. Law No. 241/1998—of Stimulating Foreign Investments.
14. Law No. 332/2001—of Investments with Significant Impact upon the Economy.
15. Law No. 35/1991—of Foreign Investments in Romania.
16. Law No. 71/1994—of Granting Certain Facilities to the Foreign Investments.
17. National accounts on region, (2009), National Statistic Institute.
18. Păuna, C. B., Dumitrescu, I. Frentz, G., Jula, D. (2002), Politica de dezvoltare Regională în perspectiva Aderării României la Uniunea Europeană, CIDE, Bucureşti.
19. Păuna, C. B. and Andrei, D. (2003), Dimensiunea regională a determinarii riscului investiţiilor directe străine în România, Academia Română, <http://www.icmpp.ro/institute/contributii stiintifice.htm>
20. Popa, A. (2007), The FDI in Romnia—contradictory trends, Editura Economica, Regional Operational Programme, (ROP), 2007–2013, Ministerul Dezvoltarii Regionale
21. Statistical Yearbook Romania, INS, Bucureşti.
22. Vocalis, M. D. (2007), Regional disparities in Romania—an analysis of the FDI efficiency.


Europa XXI



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oai:rcin.org.pl:55792 ; 1429-7132 ; 10.7163/Eu21.2010.21.11


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Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization of the Polish Academy of Sciences

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Central Library of Geography and Environmental Protection. Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization PAS

Projects co-financed by:

European Union. European Regional Development Fund ; Programme Innovative Economy, 2010-2014, Priority Axis 2. R&D infrastructure



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