RCIN and OZwRCIN projects


Title: The place of Śląskie Voivodeship (Poland) in the greening space of flows


Europa XXI 42 (2022)



Place of publishing:



29 cm


The study assess the position of the Śląskie Voivodeship in the European space of flows. The main objectives are: (1) to examine the regional position in the interregional space of flows, and (2) to assess this position in terms of the decarbonisation processes planned under the European Green Deal policy. In order to do this, the strengths and weaknesses of the region were identified, the flows potentially vulnerable to the restructuring process of the region’s coal-based economy were recognised, and the extent and scale of the impact of decarbonisation on the region’s economic situation was determined. An analysis of indicators such as intensity and concentration of flows places the region on the flow periphery, as the most significant flows are concentrated in Western and Northern Europe. One exception to this pattern is the transport of goods when measured in tonnes, which makes the region an important hub on a European scale. However, the most intensive flows link it with other Polish regions. Moreover the specificity of the Śląskie Voivodeship means that any effects of the European Green Deal will be particularly strongly felt, as it is among the regions experiencing the greatest negative impact of this policy on the economy and labour market.


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