Przegląd Geograficzny T. 90 z. 4 (2018)
The aim of the article is description of the concept and research of the smart city. Based on the review of international literature, the smart city idea is interpreted, indicating positive and negative aspects including the relationship between modern network technologies and the urban community. The smart city concept assumes the use of network infrastructure to improve the economic and political efficiency of resources and enable the development of urban areas. This development should be an intelligent and sustainable and should contribute to the improvement of the quality of life. The concept evolves over time and more and more attention is devoted not only to the technological infrastructure itself but also to its impact on urban communities. Questions are increasingly being asked about the impact of smart development on the improvement of human and social capital as well as on social polarization or social exclusion. Therefore, newer definition assumes that smart city is a city in which investments in human and social capital and traditional (transport) and modern (ICT) communication infrastructure fuel sustainable economic growth and a high quality of life, with a wise management of natural resources, through participatory governance. In this context different smart city schools can be distinguished. The scientific debate about the smart city concept covers not only issues related to the development of new technologies and solving problems of local communities, but also the impact of this concept on social and economic polarization. It can be noticed that in cities that undertake initiatives aimed at being called intelligent cities, on the one hand, the interests of residents and, on the other hand, companies implementing modern technologies, clash. The implementation of the smart city concept has its negative implications for urban development due to top-down management and the limited use of a bottom-up approach. For this reason, city residents should take an active part in the design, construction and management of cities.
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