RCIN and OZwRCIN projects

Search for: [Abstract = "Tourism is not only an interesting subject of study for social and geographic scientists. It had been recognised a long time ago \-a\~ an important sec.tor of regional economies. As a result there exists, among the regional planners and decision makers, a growing interest in the methods of evafuation of economic benefits accruing from tourism as we\\l as \- the eveluation of effects of concrete policies in pricing, taxing an\~ regional investments. The present paper is concerned rnainly with the methodological aspects of tourisrn policies. In particular, an attempt has been made to analyse the following problems\: how the demand, originating in subregion R1 , for recreation in subregion Rj, depends on dernographic and socioeconomic structure of R1 and how it is influenced by attractiveness of Rj including px\:ices, travel costs etc.\? \- how the future demand for tourism is related to the future supply of accomodation and service facilities\? \- what should be the regional policy in taxing and public investments so as to maximize the revenue, satisfy the tourists and private facilities owners, protect the regional environment etc.\? \- how a computerised system can assists the planners and decision makers in irnproving the regional planning strategy\?"]

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