Projekty RCIN i OZwRCIN

Szukana fraza: [Opis = "\"Bibliografia historii polskiej\" \(Bibliography of Polish History\) is a multi\-volume publication recording publications whose subject matter relates to Polish history. The individual volumes were prepared mainly at the Institute of History of the Polish Academy of Sciences \(only the volumes for the years 1948\-1949 at the Polish Historical Association\). Authors\: Maria Friedbergowa \(volumes for the years 1935\-1939\), Wiesław Bieńkowski \(volume for the years 1938\-1939\), Aleksandra Przybosiowa \(volume for the years 1938\-1939\), Roman Żelewski \(volume for the years 1938\-1939\), Jan Baumgart \(volumes for the years 1944\-1967\), Stanisław Głuszek \(volumes for the years 1944\-1947 i 1968\-1991\), Anna Malcówna \(volumes for the years 1956\-1984\), Irena Perzanowska \(volumes for the years 1968\-1983\), Waldemar Bukowski \(volumes for the years 1983\-1990\), Zbigniew Solak \(volumes for the years 1985\-2002\), Wojciech Frazik \(volumes for the years 1991\-1999\), Stefan Gąsiorowski \(volumes for the years 1991\-2014\), Anna Gruca \(volumes for the years 1992\-2014\), Stanisław Jędryka \(volumes for the years 1999\-2014\), Jacek Andrzej Kabata \(volumes for the years 1999\-2014\), Paweł Gołdyn \(volumes for the years 2003\-2014\). Scientific editors\: Kazimierz Lepszy \(volumes for the years 1944\-1947 i 1952\-1963\), Emanuel Rostworowski \(volume for the year 1964\), Wiesław Bieńkowski \(volumes for the years 1935\-1939 and 1968\-1997\), Anna Gruca \(volumes for the years 1998\-2014\). Publishers\: Polskie Towarzystwo Historyczne \(volumes for the years 1948\-1949\), Zakład imienia Ossolińskich \- Wydawnictwo Polskiej Akademii Nauk \(volumes for the years 1935\-1939, 1944\-1947, and 1950\-1991\), Wydawnictwo Profesjonalnej Szkoły Biznesu \(volumes for the years 1992\-1997\), Wydawnictwo AKADE \(volumes for the years 1998\-2008\), Dante Media \(volume for the year 2009\), Instytut Historii PAN \(volumes for the years 2010\-2014\). The contents of the \"Bibliography of Polish History\" from the 1990 volume onwards are also available as a database at From the 2015 volume onwards, it is published exclusively online at RCIN."]

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