RCIN and OZwRCIN projects

Search for: [Description = "The photo depicts four men with scythes scything a mountain meadow. There is a dense forest in the distance. The men are dressed in bright shirts, dark trousers and hats \(all but one\). According to the photo’s owner, the photo was taken in 1925 on the slope of Łysina in Beskid Zachodni region, in the village of Węglówka. On the top of Łysina there was an astronomical observatory of the Jagiellonian University, where the young astronomer Lucjan Orkisz discovered the first Polish comet. The photo was taken by the astronomer \- a research assistant at the Jagiellonian University \- who was 25 years old at the time. In the foreground there is the janitor at the observatory Władysław \(...\) called by the highlanders \"astronoga\""]

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