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Projekty RCIN i OZwRCIN

Szukana fraza: [Opis = "The photo shows two little children\: an older girl and a younger boy in winter coats. There is an inscription on the back side of the photo\: \"The photo of the daughter and the son taken by a photographer in Zaleszczyki in winter 1941. I was lucky to receive it in the taiga of Archangielsk before the war broke out there. The photo is much damaged. I received it after almost a year of not seeing my family. It accompanied me \(children on it\) on my way to Poland through many places of this not\-very\-best of all worlds. It reached Gdynia together with me on the ship \"Batory\" in December 1957. Children saw me there \- the same children, only older then I knew them, saved from the war storms. My son represented me on the opening of the exhibition while my daughter was my pilot during the one\-day\-excursion to the Zachęta Gallery. 7. 9. 1985.”\; 1941, Zaleszczyki Village"]

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