RCIN and OZwRCIN projects

Search for: [Description = "An analysis was made, on the basis of owl pellets collected in May and July 1979 in 19 localities, of the Micromammalia fauna in the southern and northern, parts of the Lublin Coal Basin. The pellets originated chiefly from Tyto alba guttata \(C. L. Brehm\). The greatest percentage \(65.3%\) was formed by rodents, lesser by insectivores \(34.4%\) and only a small percentage \(0.3%\) by bats, in material composed of over 8,000 mammals belonging to 27 species. Referring to studies previously carried out in the central part of this region, attention was drawn to differences in the species composition and percentage of mammals occuring in different parts of the Coal Basin."]

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