Projekty RCIN i OZwRCIN


Obiekt planowany

Tytuł: Problemy obrazu kultury wczesnej epoki żelaza na Śląsku w świetle nowych badań terenowych


Gediga, Bogusław

Data wydania/powstania:


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Inny tytuł:

New perspectivives on Early Iron Age cultures in Silesiaia from recent field research ; Śląskie Sprawozdania Archeologiczne T. 49 (2007)


Instytut Archeologii Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego

Miejsce wydania:



ill. ; 24 cm

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The results from field research carried out recently in connection with the construction of Motorway A4 and the ring road for Wrocław represent essential new evidence which has added to our understanding of the social structure of the Early Iron Age communities in Silesia. From Poland, until recently, we have had at our disposal only a handful of persuasive evidence to con¬firm the existence in Early Iron Age societies in our region of an outstanding, leading stratum. For the first time at Domasław (distr. Wrocław, Lower Silesia) at the cemetery of the “Lusatian Culture” people dated to the Bronze and Early Iron Age was discovered a complex of several dozen Hallstatt cremation graves of elaborate construction and exceptionally rich furnishings. The graves from the Hallstatt period represent a separate province in the cemetery. We may assume that the in¬dividuals buried in them belonged to a social stratum quite apart from the rest of the community. Premises which help us grasp the social structure of the Early Iron Age people in Silesia have been secured at settlement sites. For the first time in Silesia, and even in Poland and Central Europe, we have gained such a wide-scale perspective on settlement sites of the Lusatian Culture people. This has made possible diverse analyses of the layout, character of the build-up, social topography of settlement sites, economic issues, as well as diverse aspects of social and symbolic culture


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Publikacje Profesora Bogusława Gedigi ; Śląskie Sprawozdania Archeologiczne



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ISSN 0520-9250


IAE PAN, call no. P III 232



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Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology of the Polish Academy of Sciences

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Library of the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology of the Polish Academy of Sciences

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