Search for: [Subject and Keywords = morphotectonics] OR [Subject and Keywords = geomorphology] OR [Subject and Keywords = water balance of lakes] OR [Subject and Keywords = lakes] OR [Subject and Keywords = factor analysis] OR [Subject and Keywords = Weaver's method] OR [Subject and Keywords = tourism] OR [Subject and Keywords = tourist traffic] OR [Subject and Keywords = sea level] OR [Subject and Keywords = man and environment] OR [Subject and Keywords = land use] OR [Subject and Keywords = groundwater] OR [Subject and Keywords = muck soils] OR [Subject and Keywords = developing countries] OR [Subject and Keywords = Poland] OR [Subject and Keywords = Black Sea] OR [Subject and Keywords = Opole county] OR [Subject and Keywords = Kurpiowska Plain] OR [Subject and Keywords = morfotektonika] OR [Subject and Keywords = geomorfologia] OR [Subject and Keywords = bilans wodny jezior] OR [Subject and Keywords = jeziora] OR [Subject and Keywords = kraje rozwijające się] OR [Subject and Keywords = analiza czynnikowa] OR [Subject and Keywords = metoda Weavera] OR [Subject and Keywords = turystyka] OR [Subject and Keywords = ruch turystyczny] OR [Subject and Keywords = poziom morza] OR [Subject and Keywords = człowiek a środowisko] OR [Subject and Keywords = użytkowanie ziemi] OR [Subject and Keywords = wody glebowo\-gruntowe] OR [Subject and Keywords = gleby murszowe] OR [Subject and Keywords = powiat opolski] OR [Subject and Keywords = Równina Kurpiowska] OR [Subject and Keywords = Morze Czarne] OR [Subject and Keywords = Polska] OR [Title = Przegląd Geograficzny T. 42 z. 3 \(1970\)] OR [Title = Przegląd Geograficzny T. 42 z. 3 \(1970\)]