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Title: Why has Iran’s family planning policy been so successful? Political, demographic, socio-economic and cultural-geographical underpinnings of a dramatic fertility transition


Alaeddini, Maryam ; López-Carr, David

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Local development in urban and rural space: project and planning ; Studia Obszarów Wiejskich = Rural Studies, t. 38



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A solid international legal framework for family planning supports national family planning programs. Yet it is not by itself a program guarantee, especially among Muslim nations, many of which have stalled FP transitions and weak or absent government assistance for FP programs. The success of Iran’s family planning program, therefore, is all the more noteworthy. Since its establishment in 1993, it has been one of the most successful state family planning (FP) programs in the world, having reduced the national annual growth rate from 2.7% in the late 1960s to little over 1% currently. This paper explores international and national legal, institutional, demographic, and cultural-geographical influences that may have contributed to its results.


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