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Transformations in the parish of the Immaculate Heart of Mary in Otwock-Śródborów
This publication is protected by copyright. Access to its digital version is possible on computer terminals in the institution that shares it.
This publication is protected by copyright. Access to its digital version is possible on computer terminals in the institution that shares it.

Title: Transformations in the parish of the Immaculate Heart of Mary in Otwock-Śródborów


Kulik, Katarzyna

Date issued/created:


Resource type:



Ethnologia Polona 28 (2007)


Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology Polish Academy of Sciences

Place of publishing:



24 cm

Type of object:



The article discusses the transformations which took place over two years (2006 through 2008) in the parish of the Immaculate Heart of Mary in Otwock-Śródborów — the parish in which the author lives and to which she belongs. As an inhabitant of the parish and a participant in the life of its religious community, she was in position to closely and regularly observe the process, and at the same time had access to information which may have been concealed from an outsider. In the mid-2006 the hitherto rector had been recalled and thus, initially at least, the transformations concerned only the organisation of parish life. However, as the creator and spiritual leader of the community, and as the builder of the parish church, the rector had enjoyed particular respect and was a great authority to his parishioners; no wonder, therefore, that his leaving triggered changes which were felt keenly throughout the community. From a traditional, well-integrated local community fulfilling several functions of not only religious nature, it became a community of a strictly religious character, the members of which, having completed shared religious practice, return to their individual concerns. Today, the parish in question is still in the process of changing. At present, it is difficult to state with any certainty in what direction the transformations are heading, which makes the parish all the more interesting object of observation and further research


Ajdacki P., Kałuszko J. 2006, Otwock i okolice, Pruszków
Czarnowski S. 1956, Kultura religijna wiejskiego ludu polskiego, [in:] Dzieła, PWN, Warszawa, pp. 88-107
Kalinowski M. 2000, Kościoły otwockie na tle historii architektury sakralnej, Rocznik Otwocki, Vol. 5, pp. 199-206
Piwowarski W. 1996, Socjologia religii, Lublin
Tomicki R. 1981, Religijność ludowa, [in:] Etnografia Polski. Przemiany kultury ludowej, ed. M. Biernacka, M. Frankowska, W. Paprocka, Vol. 2, Wrocław, pp. 29.70
Wąsala P. 1999, Funkcje lidera w społeczności lokalnej regionu środkowo-wschodniego, [in:] Studia etnologiczne i antropologiczne. Kultury regionalne i pogranicza kulturowe a świadomość etniczna, ed. I. Bukowska-Floreńska, Katowice, pp. 225-243


Ethnologia Polona



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Resource Identifier:

oai:rcin.org.pl:61468 ; 0137-4079


IAiE PAN, call no. P 366 ; IAiE PAN, call no. P 367 ; IAiE PAN, call no. P 368 ; click here to follow the link




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Copyright-protected material. Access only on terminals at the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology of the Polish Academy of Sciences, may be used within the limits of statutory user freedoms.

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Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology of the Polish Academy of Sciences

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Library of the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology of the Polish Academy of Sciences





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