RCIN and OZwRCIN projects


Title: An analysis of interspecific competition in communities of the soil macrofauna of some habitats in the Kampinos National Park


Kaczmarek, Wojciech

Date issued/created:


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Competition in communities of the soil macrofauna ; Analiza konkurencji międzygatunkowej w zgrupowaniach makrofauny gleby kilku środowisk Kampinoskiego Parku Narodowego


Polska Akademia Nauk. Komitet Ekologiczny


Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe

Place of publishing:



Pages 421-483 : illustrations ; 24 cm ; Bibliographical references (pages 478-482) ; Abstract in Polish

Type of object:



Analysis of the influence of habitat factors, food relations and interspecific competition on: 1) number of species, density and activity of individuals, 2) abundance and trappability of the different groups and species of predators and their percentage in the whole macrofauna examined. On the basis of results it is assumed, that: 1) interspecific competition was certainly of fundamental importance in the communities of macrofauna examined, 2) the chief basis of competition in the communities of predators was formed by food relations, 3) the influence of habitat factors on the different predators was connected with their dominance in the community, 4) organisation of the competition systems may be based on the differentiation of the ecological valence of species.


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Ekologia Polska. Seria A





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