RCIN and OZwRCIN projects


Title: River as a feeding place for crows (Corvidae)


Jakubiec, Zbigniew

Date issued/created:


Resource type:



Rzeka jako miejsce żerowania krukowatych (Corvidae)


Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Ecology


Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe

Place of publishing:



Pages 609-635 : illustrations ; 24 cm ; Bibliographical references (pages 632-634) ; Abstract in Polish

Type of object:



The importance of river as a feeding place for Corvus corone cornix L., Corvus frugilegus L., and Corvus monedula L. was studied throughout a year. The relationship between diurnal activity and the importance of river as a food supplying medium during individual seasons of year as well as theinfluence of riverside landscape (towns, open areas, forests) upon the number of birds feeding in individual sections of river were indicated. The problem of food competition between Corvus corone cornix L. and Larus ridibundus L. was also discussed.


1. Allee, W. C., Emerson, A. E., Park, O., Park, T., Schmidt, K. P. 1958 - Zasady ekologii zwierząt - Warszawa, T. I i II.
2. Allen, S. J. H. 1948 - Carrion Crow Taking living fish from water - Brit. Bird. 41: 278.
3. Anonymus, 1947 - Carrion Crow taking food off water - Brit. Bird. 40: 245.
4. Bent, A. C. 1964 - Life histories of North American Jays, Crows and Titmice New York, 495 pp.
5. Bettmann, H. 1954 - Rabenkrahen (Corvus c. corone) als Fischer - Orn. Mitt. 6: 34-35.
6. Bianki, V. V., Boiko, N. S., Kokanov, V. D., Tatarinkova, I. P. 1967 - Ob ekologii seroj vorony (Corvus cornix L.) na ostrovach i pobereze Belogo i Barenceva morej - Zool. Zurn. 46: 1269-70.
7. Bosenberg, K. 1957 - Kann die Rabenkrahe mit den Fussen greifen? - Vogelwelt 78: 198.
8. Bromley, F. C. 1947 - Carrion Crow taking food off water - Brit. Bird. 40: 158.
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10. Fitter, R. S. R. 1948 - Carrion Crow taking food off water - Brit. Bird. 41: 95.
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13. Holmberg, L. 1957 - Fiskande krakor - Fauna och Flora 52: 182-185.
14. Hulse, D. C., Atkeson, T. Z. 1953 - Fishing by the Common Crow, Corvus brachyrhynchos - Auk 70: 373
15. Imhof, T. A. 1962 - Alabama birds - Alabama, 591 pp.
16. Jones, H. 1955 - Carrion Crow taking fish from water - Brit. Bird. 49: 91.
17. Kirchner, H. 1957 - Kann die Rabenkrahe mit den Fussen greifen? - Vogelwelt 78: 198-199.
18. Kurockin, E. N., Gerasimova, T. D. 1960 - Zimnye i rannievesennye nabludenia nad morskimi pticami vblizi Murmanskogo pobereza - Tr. Kandałk. Zapov. 3
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23. Mester, H. 1959 - Noch etwas uber fischende und schwimmende Krahen – Falke 6: 200-201.
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25. Muhl, K. 1954 - Fischende Rahenkrahen (Corvus c. corone) – Orn. Mitt. 6: 234.
26. Necajev, W .. A-1969-Pticy juznych Kurilskich Ostrovov-Leningrad, 247 pp.
27. Odum, E. P. 1963 - Podstawy ekologii - Warszawa, 560 pp.
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31. Rettig, K. 1965 – Zum Wintergast-Vorkommender Nebelkrahe (Corvus corone cornix) bei Hannover - Orn. Mitt. 17: 40.
32. Richter, D. 1955 - Aaskrahen (Corvus corone) als Fischer - Orn. Mitt. 7: 135.
33. Roberts, E. L. 1955 - Carrion Crow taking fish from water - Brit. Bird. 48: 91.
34. Spenner, W. 1956 - Rabenkrahe (Corvus corone) als Fischer - Orn. Mitt. 8: 52-53.
35. Taczanowski, W. 1882 - Ptaki krajowe - Krakow, T. I i II.
36. Tenovuo, R. 1963 - Zur brutzeitlichen Biologie der Nebelkrahe (Corvus corone cornix L.) im ausseren Scherenhof Sudwestfinlands - Ann. Zool. Soc. „Vanamo” 25; 5: 1-147.
37. Trelfa, G. 1954 - Carrion Crow alighting on water and taking fish – Brit. Bird. 47: 405-406.
38. Tully, H. 1951 -Carrion Crow taking fish - Brit. Bird. 44: 323.
39. Vietinghoff-Riesch, F. 1954 - Fischende Rabenkrahen (Corvus c. corone) – Orn. Mitt. 6: 234.
40. Wendland, V. 1957 - Einiges vom Verhalten der Nehelkrahe (Corous corone cornix L.) – J. Orn. 99: 203-208.
41. Westerfrolke, P. 1957 - Kann die Rabenkrahe mit Fussen greifen? - Vogelwelt 78: 100
42. Wolter, A. 1957 - Rabenkrahe als Fischer – Orn. Mitt. 9: 169.
43. Zedler, W. 1958 - Kann die Rabenkrahen mit den Fussen tragen? - Vogelwelt 79: 55.


Ekologia Polska





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