RCIN and OZwRCIN projects


Title: Factors affecting nutrient budget in lakes of the r. Jorka watershed (Masurian Lakeland, Poland). 5, Nutrient input with air transport


Goszczyńska, Wanda

Date issued/created:


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Nutrient input with air transport ; Factors affecting nutrient budget in lakes


Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Ekologii


Polish Scientific Publishers

Place of publishing:



Pages 241-269 : illustrations ; 24 cm ; Bibliographical references (pages 267-269) ; Abstract in Polish

Type of object:



The dust fall on drainage basins of four lakes of the r. Jorka watershed was investigated between September 1977 and August 1979. The dust fall was estimated (in g·m - 2) and concentrations of C org., N tot. and P tot. Spatial and seasonal differentiation of the amount of dust fall is presented, the relation between dust fall and wind erosion of soils and meteorological conditions, and also the relation between the amount of C org., N tot. and P tot. and the dust fall. The significance of allochthonous matter reaching the lake with air transport is pointed out.


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Ekologia Polska





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