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However, some documents, due to the need to comply with the Copyright Act, are not available to the public until publishers obtain a license to publish them on the Internet. Setting up an account does not provide access to them. Such documents are available only on specified computers operating within the local network of the RCIN Institute, which stores original item.
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Certain publications - due to the need to comply with copyrights - are available only at the premises of the Institute, which digitized this object. This is indicated by the inscription on the thumbnail of the given item and the content of the "Terms of use" element in its description.
If you are an employee of one of the Institutes co-creating the RCIN click here, there is a possibility to upload a publication by sending it to assigned RCIN worker at given Institute with a request for publishing at the Repository.
Yes, all RCIN publications are searched by Google Scholar. In addition, by means of implementing advanced IT solutions, they are searchable, e.g. in the worldwide online catalog WorldCat, at the European repository Europeana, German Database or the largest Chinese licensed database of scientific resources. Data concerning newly published articles, if granted, are also downloaded and placed in other databases, e.g. the Elsevier publishing house (Web of Science, SCOPUS databases).