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Dyplomacja brytyjska, japońska i amerykańska w Chinach : 1895-1949
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This publication is protected by copyright. Check the terms of use in the publication description.

Title: Dyplomacja brytyjska, japońska i amerykańska w Chinach : 1895-1949


Polit, Jakub (1968– )

Date issued/created:


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Dzieje Najnowsze : [kwartalnik poświęcony historii XX wieku] R. 42 z. 1 (2010)


Instytut Historii Polskiej Akademii Nauk


Wydawnictwo DiG

Place of publishing:



s. 19-40 ; Summ. eng.

Type of object:



Allman N. F., Shanghai Lawyer, New York 1943
Borg D., American Policy and the Chinese Revolution 1925-1928, New York 1947
Boyle J. H., Peace Advocacy during the Sino-Japanese Incident, [w:] China and Japan: Search for Balance since World War, ed. H. Conroy, A. Coox, Santa Barbara 1978
Brooks B., China Experts in the Gaimusho, 1895-1937, [w:] The Japanese Informal Empire in China, ed. P. Duus, R. H. Myers, M. R. Peattie, Princeton, N. J. 1989
Brooks B., Japan Imperial Diplomacy. Consuls, Treaty Ports and War in China, 1895-1938, Honolulu 2000
Buckley T., John Van Antwerp MacMurray. The Diplomacy o f American Mandarin, [w:] Diplomats in Crisis: United States — Chinese — Japanese Relations, 1919-1941, ed. R. D. Burns, E. M. Bennet, Oxford-Santa Barbara 1974
Buhite R. D., Nelson T. Johnson and American Policy towards China 1929-1941, Michigan 1969.
Buhite R. D., Patrick Jay Hurley and American Foreign Policy, Ithaca N.Y. 1973.
Centek J., Hans von Seeckt. Twórca Reichsheer‚ Kraków 2006
China Memoirs. Chiang Kai-shek and the War against Japan, compiled by F. Isono, Tokyo 1990.
Clark E., Diplomat: The Word of International Diplomacy, New York 1974
Coates P. D., The China Consuls. British Consular Officers, 1843-1943, Hong Kong 1988
Conquest R., Uwagi o spustoszonym stuleciu, Poznań 2002
Coox A., Shigemitsu Mamoru: The Diplomacy of Crisis, [w:] Diplomats in Crisis: United States — Chinese — Japanese Relations, 1919-1941, ed. R. D. Burns, E. M. Bennet, Oxford-Santa Barbara 1974.
DeAngelis R. C., Jacob Gould Schurman and American Policy toward China, 1921-1925, St. John University 1975
Denby Ch., China and Her People, Boston 1906, vol. 1
The Diaries f Sir Alexander Cadogan O. M, 1938-1945, ed. D. Dilks, London 1971.
Die deutsche Beraterschaft in China 1927-1938. Militär — Wirtschaft — Aussenpolitik‚ hrsg. B. Martin, Düsseldorf 1981
Endicott S. L., Diplomacy and Enterprise, British China Policy 1933-1937, Manchester 1975
Feuerwerker A., The Foreign Presence in China, [w:] The Cambridge History of China, vol. XII: Republican China 1912-1949, ed. J. K. Fairbank, Part 1, Cambridge 1983
George C. Marshall Mediation Mission in China, ed. L. I. Bland, Lexington Va. 1998.
Giles D., Radical Diplomat: The Life o f Sir Archibald Clark Ken: Lord o f Inverchapel, 1882-1951, London 1998
Grayson R. S., Austen Chamberlain and Commitment to Europe. British Foreign Policy 1924-1929, London 1997
Hahn E., Chiang Kai-shek. An Unauthorized Biography, Garden City, N.Y. 1955
Haliżak E., Zmiana układu sił USA — Chiny a transformacja porządku międzynarodowego, Warszawa 2005
Haynes J. E., Harvey Kehr, Venona: Decoding Soviet Espionage in America, New Haven 1999
Hou Ch.-m., Foreign Investment and Economic Development in China, 1840-1937, Cambridge Mass. 1965
How the Peace Was Lost. The 1935 Memorandum „Developments Affecting American Policy in the Far East”. Prepared for the State Department by Ambassador John Van Antwerp MacMurray, ed. A. Waldron, Stanford Calif. 1992
Humphreys L. A., The Way of the Heavenly Sword. The Japanese Army in the 1920, Stanford Calif. 1995
Kitaoka S., China Experts in the Army, [w:] The Japanese Informal Empire in China , 1895-1937, red. P. Duus, R. H. Myers, M. R. Peattie, Princeton 1989
Michałek K., Poza granice kontynentu. Teoria pogranicza Fredericka Jacksona Turnera a idea ekspansji dalekowschodniej w amerykańskiej polityce zagranicznej, 1893-1922, Warszawa 1992
Lane Poole S., F. V. Dickens, The Life of sir Harry Parkes, London 1894.
Lee B. A., Britain and the Sino Japanese War 1937-1939: A Study in the Dilemmas of British Decline, Stanford 1973
Liu X., Chińscy ambasadorzy. Wzrost profesjonalizmu w dyplomacji od roku 1949, Warszawa 2005
Lohbeck D., Patrick J. Hurley, Chicago 1956
Lowe P., Great Britain and the Origins of the Pacific War: A Study of British Policy in East Asia 1936-1941, Oxford 1977
O’Malley O., Phantom Caravan, London 1954
Nish I., The Anglo-Japanese Alliance. The Diplomacy of two Island Empires, 1894-1907, London 1985
Nish I., Japanese Foreign Policy in the Interwar Period, Westport and London 2002
Nish I., Sir Claude and Lady Ethel MacDonald, [w:] Britain and Japan. Biographical Portraits, ed. idem, London 1994
Platt D. C. M., The Cinderella Service. British Consuls since 1825, London 1971
Polit J., Lew i smok. Wielka Brytania a kryzys chiński 1925-1928, Kraków 2006.
Polit J., Odwrót znad Pacyfiku? Wielka Brytania wobec Dalekiego Wschodu 1914-1922, Kraków 1999
Polit J., Pod wiatr. Czang Kaj-szek 1887-1975, Kraków 2008
Pooley A. M.: The Secret Memoirs o f Count Tadasu Hayashi, London 1915.
Pugach Noel H.: Paul S. Reinsch. Open Door Diplomat in Action, New York 1979.
Reinsch P. S., Secret Diplomacy: How Far Can it be Eliminated?, New York 1922.
Remer C. F., Foreign Investments in China, New York 1933
Rojek W., Ekspansja mocarstw w Chinach i jej wpływ na rozwój stosunków międzynarodowych w latach 1895-1914, Kraków 1990
Rowe W. T., Owen Lattimore, Asia and Comparative Story, „Journal of Asian Studies”, vol. LXVI, nr 3
Sandilands R., The Life and Political Economy of Lauchlin Currie: New Dealer, Presidential Adviser and Development Economist, Durham 1990
Satow E., A Guide to Diplomatic Practice, b.m., 1979
Shaw A., Origins of the War in the East: Britain, China and Japan 1937-1941, London 1976
Shaw Y.-m., An American Missionary in China: John Leighton Stuart and Chinese American Relations, Cambridge Mass. 1992
Shigemitsu M., Japan and her Destiny: My Struggle for Peace, New York 1958
Tong H., Chiang Kai-shek’s Teacher and Ambassador. An Inside View of the Republic of China from 1911, Bloomington Ind. 2005
Treaties and Agreements with and Concerning China 1894-1919. A Collection o f State Papers, Private Agreements and other Documents in Reference to the Rights and Obligations of the Chinese Government in Relation to Foreign Powers and in Reference to the Interrelation of Those Powers in Respect to China During the Period from the Sino-Japanese War to the Conclusion of the World War of 1914-1919, ed. J. V. MacMurray, vol. I-II, New York 1921
Tołczyk D., Gułag w oczach Zachodu, Warszawa 2009
Trotter A., Britain and East Asia 1933-1937, Cambridge 1970
Tsou T., America’s Failure in China, Chicago 1963
United States Chiefs of Mission 1775-1973, ed. R. Dougall, M. P. Chapman, Washington 1973
Varé D., Laughing Diplomat, London 1938
Waldron A., From War to Nationalism. China’s Turning Point, 1924-1925, Cambridge 1995
Wimmel K., William Woodville Rockhill. Scholar Diplomat of the Tibetan Highlands, Hong Kong 2003
Wright M., Lampson sir Miles Weddeburn 1st baron Killearn (1880-1964), [w:] Dictionary of National Biography 1961-1970, Oxford 1981
Zyblikiewicz L., USA, Warszawa 2004
Allman N. F., Shanghai Lawyer, New York 1943.
Borg D., American Policy and the Chinese Revolution 1925-1928, New York 1947.
Boyle J. H., Peace Advocacy during the Sino-Japanese Incident, [w:] China and Japan: Search for Balance since World War, ed. H. Conroy, A. Coox, Santa Barbara 1978.
Brooks B., China Experts in the Gaimusho, 1895-1937, [w:] The Japanese Informal Empire in China, ed. P. Duus, R. H. Myers, M. R. Peattie, Princeton, N. J. 1989.
Brooks B., Japan Imperial Diplomacy. Consuls, Treaty Ports and War in China, 1895-1938, Honolulu 2000.
Buckley T., John Van Antwerp MacMurray. The Diplomacy of American Mandarin, [w:] Diplomats in Crisis: United States — Chinese — Japanese Relations, 1919-1941, ed. R. D. Burns, E. M. Bennet, Oxford-Santa Barbara 1974.
Buhite R. D., Nelson T. Johnson and American Policy towards China 1929-1941, Michigan 1969.
Buhite R. D., Patrick Jay Hurley and American Foreign Policy, Ithaca N.Y. 1973.
Centek J., Hans von Seeckt. Twórca Reichsheer‚ Kraków 2006.
China Memoirs. Chiang Kai-shek and the War against Japan, compiled by F. Isono, Tokyo 1990.
Clark E., Diplomat: The Word of International Diplomacy, New York 1974.
Coates P. D., The China Consuls. British Consular Officers, 1843-1943, Hong Kong 1988.
Conquest R., Uwagi o spustoszonym stuleciu, Poznań 2002.
Coox A., Shigemitsu Mamoru: The Diplomacy of Crisis, [w:] Diplomats in Crisis: United States — Chinese — Japanese Relations, 1919-1941, ed. R. D. Burns, E. M. Bennet, Oxford-Santa Barbara 1974.
DeAngelis R. C., Jacob Gould Schurman and American Policy toward China, 1921-1925, St. John University 1975.
Denby Ch., China and Her People, Boston 1906, vol. 1.
The Diaries of Sir Alexander Cadogan O. M, 1938-1945, ed. D. Dilks, London 1971.
Die deutsche Beraterschaft in China 1927-1938. Militär — Wirtschaft — Aussenpolitik‚ hrsg. B. Martin, Düsseldorf 1981.
Endicott S. L., Diplomacy and Enterprise, British China Policy 1933-1937, Manchester 1975.
Feuerwerker A., The Foreign Presence in China, [w:] The Cambridge History of China, vol. XII: Republican China 1912-1949, ed. J. K. Fairbank, Part 1, Cambridge 1983.
George C. Marshall Mediation Mission in China, ed. L. I. Bland, Lexington Va. 1998.
Giles D., Radical Diplomat: The Life of Sir Archibald Clark Ken: Lord of Inverchapel, 1882-1951, London 1998.
Grayson R. S., Austen Chamberlain and Commitment to Europe. British Foreign Policy 1924-1929, London 1997.
Hahn E., Chiang Kai-shek. An Unauthorized Biography, Garden City, N.Y. 1955.
Haliżak E., Zmiana układu sił USA — Chiny a transformacja porządku międzynarodowego, Warszawa 2005.
Haynes J. E., Harvey Kehr, Venona: Decoding Soviet Espionage in America, New Haven 1999.
Hou Ch.-m., Foreign Investment and Economic Development in China, 1840-1937, Cambridge Mass. 1965.
How the Peace Was Lost. The 1935 Memorandum „Developments Affecting American Policy in the Far East”. Prepared for the State Department by Ambassador John Van Antwerp MacMurray, ed. A. Waldron, Stanford Calif. 1992.
Humphreys L. A., The Way of the Heavenly Sword. The Japanese Army in the 1920, Stanford Calif. 1995.
Kitaoka S., China Experts in the Army, [w:] The Japanese Informal Empire in China , 1895-1937, red. P. Duus, R. H. Myers, M. R. Peattie.
Michałek K., Poza granice kontynentu. Teoria pogranicza Fredericka Jacksona Turnera a idea ekspansji dalekowschodniej w amerykańskiej polityce zagranicznej, 1893-1922, Warszawa 1992.
Lane Poole S., F. V. Dickens, The Life of sir Harry Parkes, London 1894.
Lee B. A., Britain and the Sino Japanese War 1937-1939: A Study in the Dilemmas of British Decline, Stanford 1973.
Liu X., Chińscy ambasadorzy. Wzrost profesjonalizmu w dyplomacji od roku 1949, Warszawa 2005.
Lohbeck D., Patrick J. Hurley, Chicago 1956.
Lowe P., Great Britain and the Origins of the Pacific War: A Study of British Policy in East Asia 1936-1941, Oxford 1977.
O’Malley O., Phantom Caravan, London 1954.
Nish I., The Anglo-Japanese Alliance. The Diplomacy of two Island Empires, 1894-1907, London 1985.
Nish I., Sir Claude and Lady Ethel MacDonald, [w:] Britain and Japan. Biographical Portraits, ed. idem, London 1994.
Nish I., Japanese Foreign Policy in the Interwar Period, Westport and London 2002.
Platt D. C. M., The Cinderella Service. British Consuls since 1825, London 1971.
Polit J., Lew i smok. Wielka Brytania a kryzys chiński 1925-1928, Kraków 2006.
Polit J., Odwrót znad Pacyfiku? Wielka Brytania wobec Dalekiego Wschodu 1914-1922, Kraków 1999.
Polit J., Pod wiatr. Czang Kaj-szek 1887-1975, Kraków 2008.
Pooley A. M.: The Secret Memoirs of Count Tadasu Hayashi, London 1915.
Pugach Noel H.: Paul S. Reinsch. Open Door Diplomat in Action, New York 1979.
Reinsch P. S., Secret Diplomacy: How Far Can it be Eliminated?, New York 1922.
Remer C. F., Foreign Investments in China, New York 1933.
Rojek W., Ekspansja mocarstw w Chinach i jej wpływ na rozwój stosunków międzynarodowych w latach 1895-1914, Kraków 1990.
Rowe W. T., Owen Lattimore, Asia and Comparative Story, „Journal of Asian Studies”, vol. LXVI, nr 3.
Sandilands R., The Life and Political Economy of Lauchlin Currie: New Dealer, Presidential Adviser and Development Economist, Durham 1990.
Satow E., A Guide to Diplomatic Practice, b.m., 1979.
Shaw A., Origins of the War in the East: Britain, China and Japan 1937-1941, London 1976.
Shaw Y.-m., An American Missionary in China: John Leighton Stuart and Chinese American Relations, Cambridge Mass. 1992.
Shigemitsu M., Japan and her Destiny: My Struggle for Peace, New York 1958.
Tong H., Chiang Kai-shek’s Teacher and Ambassador. An Inside View of the Republic of China from 1911, Bloomington Ind. 2005.
Treaties and Agreements with and Concerning China 1894-1919. A Collection of State Papers, Private Agreements and other Documents in Reference to the Rights and Obligations of the Chinese Government in Relation to Foreign Powers and in Reference to the Interrelation of Those Powers in Respect to China During the Period from the Sino-Japanese War to the Conclusion of the World War of 1914-1919, ed. J. V. MacMurray, vol. I-II, New York 1921.
Tołczyk D., Gułag w oczach Zachodu, Warszawa 2009.
Trotter A., Britain and East Asia 1933-1937, Cambridge 1970.
Tsou T., America’s Failure in China, Chicago 1963.
United States Chiefs of Mission 1775-1973, ed. R. Dougall, M. P. Chapman, Washington 1973.
Varé D., Laughing Diplomat, London 1938.
Waldron A., From War to Nationalism. China’s Turning Point, 1924-1925, Cambridge 1995.
Wimmel K., William Woodville Rockhill. Scholar Diplomat of the Tibetan Highlands, Hong Kong 2003.
Wright M., Lampson sir Miles Weddeburn 1st baron Killearn (1880-1964), [w:] Dictionary of National Biography 1961-1970, Oxford 1981.
Zyblikiewicz L., USA, Warszawa 2004.


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