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Between the “Ordinariness” and the “Extraordinariness” of Life. The Autobiographies of Women
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This publication is protected by copyright. Check the terms of use in the publication description.

Title: Between the “Ordinariness” and the “Extraordinariness” of Life. The Autobiographies of Women


Kuźma, Inga

Data wydania/powstania:


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Inny tytuł:

Ethnologia Polona 29-30 (2008-2009)


Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology Polish Academy of Sciences

Miejsce wydania:



24 cm

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The current article constructs the theoretical foundation, based chiefly on phenomenological reflection, devoted to the process of building biographies by women. Women have for a few years been researched by the author, who in her philosophical and anthropological reflections focuses on the categories of the ordinary and the commonplace, into which the interviewed women inscribed their lives. She also devoted her attention to the category of time, which is essential to the perception of one’s own identity and life, as well as to the category of suffering, which constituted a value in the majority of women’s biographical interviews


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Ethnologia Polona



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