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Title: Ecological characteristics of lakes in north-eastern Poland versus their trophic gradient. 2, Lake catchment areas - physico-geographical environment. Description of the region and 43 lakes


Bajkiewicz-Grabowska, Elżbieta

Date issued/created:


Resource type:



Lake catchment areas - physico-geographical environment. Description of the region and 43 lakes ; Ecological characteristics of lakes


Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Ekologii


Polish Scientific Publishers

Place of publishing:



Pages 257-286 : illustrations ; 24 cm ; Bibliographical references (pages 285-286) ; Abstract in Polish ; Contains map

Type of object:



The paper contains a general physical geographic description of the study area, as well as a more detailed hydrographic description of 43 lakes and their catchment areas. The possible improving effect of the drainage area on the trophic conditions of a lake has been assessed against the physico-geographical conditions of the entities analysed, and the parameters favouring the transport of matter from the catchment area have been indicated.


1. Bajkiewicz-Grabowska E. (in press) - Struktura fizyczno-geograficzna zlewni jako podstawa dostawy materii biogennej do jezior [Physico-geographical structure of the drainage area as a basis of nutrient matter supply to lakes] - Wydział Geografii i Studiów Regionalnych Uniw. Warszawskiego, Warszawa.
2. Chojnowski S. 1975 - Bilans wodny różnych typów jezior i bagien w Polsce. A. Katalog jezior Polski (jeziora ponad 50 ha) [Water balance of different lake and marsh types in Poland. A. A catalogue of the lakes of Poland (lakes over 50 ha)] - Manuscript, Inst. Meteor. Gosp. Wod., Warszawa, 53 pp.
3. Chomicz K. 1977 – Materiały do poznania agroklimatu Polski [Materials for studying the agroclimate of Poland] - Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, Warszawa, 295 pp.
4. Dobija A., Dynowska I. 1975 - Znaczenie parametrów fizyczno-geograficznych zlewni dla ustalenia wielkości odpływu rzecznego [Importance of the physio-geographical parameters of a catchment area in the determination of the magnitude of river outflow] - Folia Geogr. Sar. Geogr. Phys. 9: 77-129.
5. Dynus-Angiel J. 1979 - Wymiana wody w jeziorach przepływowych górnej Słupi [Water exchange in transit lakes of the upper Słupia river] - Przeg. geofiz. 24(32): 349-357.
6. Kajak Z. 1979 - Eutrofizacja jezior [Eutrophication of lakes] - Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, Warszawa, 233 pp.
7. Kondraciuk I. 1978 - Charakterystyka kierunku i prędkości wiatru w północno-wschodniej części Polski [Description of the direction end velocity of wind in the north-eastern part of Poland] - M.Sc. Thesis, Department of Climatology, Warsaw University, Warsaw, 57 pp.
8. Kondracki J. 1978 - Geografia fizyczna Polski [Physical geography of Poland] – Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, Warszawa , 463 pp.
9. Mikulski Z. 1967 - Wymiana wody w jeziorach (na przykładzie Wielkich Jezior Mazurskich) [Water exchange in lakes (as exemplified by the Masurian Great Lakes)] - Ekol. pol. B, 12: 227-239.
10. Pasławski Z. 1975 - Typologia hydrologiczna jezior Pojezierza Wielkopolskiego [Hydrological typology of lakes in the Great-Polish Lake District] - Przeg. geofiz. 20(28): 271-280.
11. Podział hydrograficzny Polski 1980 [Hydrological division of Poland] (maps) - Inst. Meteor. Gosp. Wod. Warszawa, 57 pp.
12. Rasiński J. 1978 - Opad w województwie suwalskim w latach 1951-1970 [Precipitation in the Suwałki voivodship in the years 1951-1970] - M.Sc. Thesis, Department of Climatology, Warsaw University, Waraaw, 92 pp.
13. Sienkiewicz B. 1978 - Wiatr w województwie suwalskim w latach 1951-1970 [Wind in the Suwałki voivodship in the years 1951-1970] - M.Sc. Thesis, Department of Climatology, Warsaw University, Warsaw, 84 pp.


Ekologia Polska





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Resource Identifier:

oai:rcin.org.pl:79269 ; ISSN 0420-9036


MiIZ PAN, call no. P.2840 ; click here to follow the link



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Copyright-protected material. [CC BY 3.0 PL] May be used within the scope specified in Creative Commons Attribution BY 3.0 PL license, full text available at: ; -

Digitizing institution:

Museum and Institute of Zoology of the Polish Academy of Sciences

Original in:

Library of the Museum and Institute of Zoology of the Polish Academy of Sciences

Projects co-financed by:

Operational Program Digital Poland, 2014-2020, Measure 2.3: Digital accessibility and usefulness of public sector information; funds from the European Regional Development Fund and national co-financing from the state budget.



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