RCIN and OZwRCIN projects


Title: Czy teoria literatury jeszcze istnieje?


Burzyńska, Anna Róża

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Teksty Drugie Nr 1-2 (2006)



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21 cm ; Tekst pol.

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27. M. Foucault, Archeologia wiedzy, przeł. M. Siemek, PIW, Warszawa 1977, s. 237-251.
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31. W.V. Harrris, Dictionary of Concepts in Literary Criticism And Theory, Greenwood Press, New York 1992.
32. J. H. Miller, Theory now and then, Duke University Press, Durham 1991, s. XI.
33. The Interpretative Turn: Philosophy, Science, Culture, eds. D.R. Hiley, J. Bohman and R. Shusterman, Cornell University Press, Ithaca 1991.
34. G.S. Jay, D.L. Miller, The Role of Theory in the Study of Literature, w: After Strange Texts. The Role of Theory in the Study of Literature, ed. by G.S. Jay and D.L. Miller, University of Alabama Press, Alabama 1991, s. 16.
35. T.M. Kavanagh, Introduction, w: The Limits of Theory, ed. by T.M. Kavanagh, Stanford University Press, Stanford 1982.
36. M. Kreiswirth, Merely Teling Stories? Narrative and Knowledge in the Human Sciences, "Poetics Today" 2000 nr 21.2.
37. M. Krieger, Introduction: The Literary, The Textual, The Social, w: The Aims of Representation. Subject/Text/History, ed. by M. Krieger, Columbia University Press, New York 1987, s. 3.
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39. V.B. Leitch, Cultural Criticism. Literary Theory. Poststructuralism, Columbia University Press, New York 1992.
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43. Literary Theory Today, ed. P. Collier i H. Geyer-Ryans, Cornell University Press, Ithaca 1990, s. 1-2.
44. Literary Theory's Future, ed. J. Natoli, University of Illinois Press, Urbana 1987.
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47. J.F. Lyotard, J-L Tebaud, Au Juste. Conversation, C. Bourgois, Paris 1979.
48. M.P. Markowski, Efekt inskrypcji. Jacques Derrida i literatura, Studio F, Homini, Bydgoszcz 1997, zwł. s. 188-199.
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55. J. Rajchman, Michel Foucault: The Freedom of Philosophy, Columbia University Press, New York 1985, s. 123.
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58. K. Rosner, Narracja, tożsamość i czas, Universitas, Kraków 2003.
59. R. Seamon, Poetics Against Itself: On the Self-Destruction in Modern Scientific Criticism, "Publications of the Modern Language Association of America" 1989 t. 104 nr 3, s. 302-303.
60. J. Sławiński, Miejsce interpretacji, "Teksty Drugie" 1995 nr 5.
61. J. Sławiński, Uwagi o interpretacji literaturoznawczej, w: Interpretacja dzieła. Konferencja w Instytucie Sztuki PAN 5-7 listopada 1984, red. i wprow. M. Czerwiński, Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich, Wrocław 1987, s. 56.
62. Słownik terminów literackich, red. J. Sławiński, wyd. 2 posz. i popr., Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich, Wrocław 1988.
63. R. Young, Introduction, w: The Untying the Text. A Post-Structuralist Reader, ed. and introd. by R. Young, Routledge and Kegan Paul, Boston 1981, s. 6-7.
64. R. Young, Poststrukturalism: The End of Theory, "Oxford Literary Review" 1982 vol. 5, s. 3-20.


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