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1. R.D. Altic, The Shows of London, Cambridge Mass and London 1978, s. 303 i in.
2. W. Benjamin, Paryż - stolica dziewiętnastego wieku, w: Anioł Historii. Eseje, szkice, fragmenty, Poznań 1996, s. 324.
3. T. Bennett, The Exhibitionary Complex, N.B. Dirks, G. Eley, S.B. Ortner, (red.) Culture / Power / History. A Reader in contemporary Social Theory. Princeton, New Yersey 1994.
4. R. Bogdan, Freak Shaw. Presenting Human Odities for Amusement and Profit, Chicago-London 1988.
5. J . Clifford, Objects and Selves-An afterward, w: Objects and Others, red. G.W.Jr. Stocking, Madison 1985, s. 244.
6. A.E. Coombes, Etnography and the formation of national and cultural identities, w: The Myth of Primitivism. Perspectives on art, red. S. Hiller, London-New York, s. 189-214.
7. R. Corbey, Ethnographies Showcases 1870-1930, „Cultural Antrophology" 8 (3) 1993, s. 347.
8. S.L. Gilman, Black bodies, white bodies: toward an iconography of female sexuality in late nineteenth-century art, medicine and literature, „Critical Inquiry" vol. 21, nr 1, s. 213.
9. S.J. Gould, Hottentot Venus, „Natural History" vol. 91, nr 10, s. 20-23.
10. A.A. Shelton, Cabinets of Transgression: Renaissance and the Incorporation of the New World, w: J. Elsner, R. Cardinal, The Cultures of Collecting, London 1994.
11. T. Todorov, Podbój Ameryki. Problem innego, Warszawa 1996, s. 59. ; 0867-0633
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Oct 2, 2020
Sep 16, 2015
Edition name | Date |
Wieczorkiewicz A. - Kolonizacja dzikich ciał | Oct 2, 2020 |
Badzioch-Bryła, Bogusława