Projekty RCIN i OZwRCIN


Tytuł: Nacjonalizm, kolonializm, tożsamość


Thomson, Ewa M.

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Inny tytuł:

Teksty Drugie Nr 5 (1999)


Sierszulska, Anna : Tł.



Miejsce wydania:



21 cm

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1. E.A. Allworth, The Modern Uzbeks,Stanford, California: Hoover Institution Press, 1990.
2. A.L. Altstadt, The Azerbaijani Turks, Stanford, California: Hoover Institution Press, 1992.
3. B. Anderson, Imagined Communities: reflections on the origin and spread of nationalism, London 1983.
4. J. Arx, Progiess and Pessimism, Harvard 1985, s. 205.
5. S.W. Baron, Modern Nationalism and Religion, Nowy Jork 1960.
6. E. Boehmer, Colonial and Postcolonial Literature, Oxford-New York 1995.
7. M. Canovan, Nationhood and Political Theory, Cheltenham 1996, s. 137.
8. H. Carrère-d'Encausse, The End of the Soviet Empire: The Triumph of Nations, Nowy Jork 1993.
9. J.E.E. Dalberg-Acton, Nationality w: Essays in the History of Liberty, vol. 1, Indianapolis 1986, s. 413.
10. K.W. Deutch, Nationalism and Social Communication, John Wiley 1953, s. 143.
11. F. Fanon, The Wretched of the Earth, Grove 1963.
12. A. Fisher, The Crimean Tatars, Stanford, California: Hoover Institution Press, 1978.
13. H.G. Gadamer, Prawda i metoda, Kraków 1993, s. 265.
14. L. Gandhi, Postcolonial Theory: A Critical Introduction, Nowy Jork 1998, s. 107-108.
15. P. Goble, Can Russian Diplomacy Hold Russia Together?, RFE/RL, 23 września 1998.
16. C.J.H. Hayes, The Historical Evolution of Modern Nationalism, Nowy Jork 1931.
17. J.G. Herder, Myśli o filozofii dziejów, Warszawa 1962.
18. E.J. Hobsbawn, Nations and Nationalism since 1780, Cambridge 1990.
19. J.A. Hobson, Imperialism: A Study, London 1948.
20. Imperialism, red. P.D. Curtin, Nowy Jork 1971.
21. The Invention of Tradition, red. Eric Hobsbawn, Terence Ranger, Cambridge 1983, s. 15-42,101-164 i 263-308.
22. P. Johnson, Modern Times: The World from the Twenties to the Eigthies, Harper 1983.
23. E. Kedourie, Nationalism, Londyn 1961.
24. H. Kohn, The Idea of Nationalism, Nowy Jork 1944.
25. L. Kołakowski, Główne nurty marksizmu, vol. 3, Londyn 1988, s. 1073-1085.
26. J. Kucharzewski, The Origins of Modern Russia, Nowy Jork 1948.
27. A. Mickiewicz, Księgi narodu i pielgrzymstwa polskiego, w: Dzieła wszystkie, pod red. Konrada Górskiego, Wrocław-Warszawa 1969-1972.
28. Minority Rights: Problems and Patterns in the CSCE [Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe], Washington 1992, s. 1-2.
29. M.B. Olcott, The Kazakhs, Stanford, California: Hoover Institution Press, 1987.
30. A. Plakans, The Latvians, Stanford, California: Hoover Institution Press, 1995.
31. A.A. Rorlich, The Volga Tatars, Stanford, California: Hoover Institution Press, 1986.
32. E. Said, Orientalism, Warszawa 1990.
33. B.A. Shafer, Faces of Nationalism, Harcourt 1972.
34. M. Scheler, Resentyment a moralność, Warszawa 1997.
35. J. Słowacki, Anhelli, wstęp i komentarze Stanisław Makowski, Warszawa 1987.
36. A. Smith, The Ethnic Origins of Nations, Oxford 1993.
37. A.D. Smith, The Ethnic Revival, Cambridge UP 1981.
38. L.L. Snyder, The Dynamics of Nationalism: Readings in Its Meaning and Development, Princeton 1964, s. 229-233.
39. G. Spivak, The Postcolonial Critic: Interviews, Strategies, Dialogues, Londyn 1990, s. 7.
40. R. Swearingen, Siberia and the Soviet Far East, Stanford, California: Hoover Institution Press, 1987.
41. R. Szporluk, Communism and Nationalism: Karl Marx versus Friedrich List, Oxford UP 1988.
42. E.M. Thompson, The Wallenberg Case: the Inferred Soviet Viewpoint, w: Raoul Wallenberg in Perspective, pod red. K.D. Reiser, T. Neumann, Houston 1986, s. 12-15.
43. K. Verdery, Ethnicity as Culture: Some Soviet-American Contrasts, w: „Canadian Review of Studies in Nationalism" 1988 nr 1-2.


Teksty Drugie



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