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Kujawińska - Courtney, Krystyna : Tł. ; Ostrowski, Witold : Tł.
1. The Arden Shakespeare, pod red. H. Jenkinsa, London, New York 1982.
2. N. Auerbach, Women and the Demon, Cambridge, Mass., 1983, s. 210-215.
3. G. Bachelard, L'Eau et les reves, Paris 1942, s. 109-125.
4. J. Barrie, Piotruś Pan. Opowiadanie o Piotrusiu i Wendy, tłum. M. Słomczyński, Warszawa 1958.
5. A. C. Bradley, Shakespearean Tragedy, London 1906, s. 160.
6. J. C. Bucknill, The Psychology of Shakespeare, London 1859 (rep. New York 1970), s. 110.
7. M. Byrd, Visit to Bedlam. Madness and Literature in the Eighteenth Century, Columbia 1974, s. XIV.
8. C. Chambers, Other Spaces: New Theatre and the RSC, London 1980.
9. C. Camden, On Ophelia's Madness „Shakespeare Quarterly" 1964, s. 254.
10. M. i H. Charney, The Language of Shakespeare 's Madwomen, „Sign" 1977 nr 3.
11. H. Cixous, C. Clement, La Jeune Nee, Paris 1975.
12. J. Conolly, Study of „Hamlet", London 1863.
13. M. Cowden Clarke, The Girlhood of Shakespeare's Heroines, London 1852.
14. R. David, Shakespeare in Theatre, Cambridge 1978, s. 75, 82-83.
15. A. Dessen, Elizabethan Stage Coventions and Modern Interpreters, Cambridge 1984, s. 36-38.
16. G. Didi-Huberman, L'Invention de l'hysterie, Paris 1982.
17. L. Edwards, The Labors of Psyche, „Critical Inquiry" 1976 nr 6, s. 36.
18. H. Faucit Martin, On Some Shakespeare 's Female Character, Edynburgh and London 1891, s. 4 i 18.
19. M. Garber, Coming of Age in Shakespeare, London 1981, s. 155-157.
20. S. L. Gilman, The Face of Madness. Hugh Diamond and the Origin of Psychiatric Photography, New York 1976.
21. S. L. Gilman, Seeing the Insane, New York 1981, s. 126.
22. M. Goldman, The Actor's Freedom. Toward a Theory of Drama, New York 1975.
23. G. C. Gross, Mary Cowden Clarke: The Girlhood of Shakespeare's Heroines and the Sex Education of Victorian Women, „Victorian Studies" 1972 nr 16.
24. S. Heath, The Sexual Fix, London 1983, s. 36.
25. Ch. Hiatt, Ellen Terry, London 1898, s. 11.
26. E. Jones, Hamlet and Oedipus, New York 1949, s. 139.
27. J. Joyce, Ulisses, New York 1961, s. 76.
28. A. Kolodny, Dancing Through the Minefield. Some Ohserwations on the Theory, Practice and Politics of Feminist Literary Criticism, „Feminist Studies" 1980 nr 6, s. 7.
29. J. Komorowski, Polska Ofelia, w: Od Shakespeare's do Szekspira, pod red. J. Ciechowicza i Z. Majchrowskiego, Gdańsk 1993, s. 134-154.
30. J. Lacan, Desire and the Interpretation of Desire in „Hamlet", w: Literature and Psychoanalysis. The Question of Reading Otherwise, pod red. S. Felman, Baltimore 1982, s. 11, 20, 23.
31. R. D. Laing, The Divided Self, Harmondsworth 1965.
32. D. Leverenz, The Woman in Hamlet. An Interpersonal View, „Signs" 1978 nr 4.
33. T. Lidz, Hamlet's Enemy: Madness and Myth in „Hamlet", New York 1975, s. 88, 113.
34. B. Lyons, The Iconography of Ophelia, „English Literary History" 1944 nr 44, s. 61, 65, 70-72.
35. M. MacDonald, Mystical Bedlam, Cambridge 1982.
36. C. Neely, Feminist Models of Shakespearean Criticism, „Wemen's Studies" 1980 nr 9, s. 7.
37. New French Feminism, red. E. Marks, I. Courtivron, New York 1982.
38. L. Olivier, Confessions of an Actor, Harmondworth 1982, s. 102 i 152.
39. B. Peucker, Droste-Hulshof's Ophelia and the Recovery of Voice, „The Journal of English and Germanic Philology" 1983, s. 374-391.
40. P. Raby, Fair Ophelia: Harriet Smithson Berlioz, Cambridge 1982, s. 63.
41. E. Showalter, The Female Malady: Women, Madness and English Culture, New York, 1985.
42. E. Showalter, Sexual Anarchy : Gender and Culture at the Fin de Siecle, 1990.
43. V. Skultans, English Madness: Ideas on Insanity 1580-1890, London 1977, s. 79-81.
44. E. Terry, The Story of My Life, London 1908, s. 154.
45. The True Ophelia, New York 1914, s. 15.
46. M. Wandor, Understudies: Theatre and Sexual Politics, London 1981, s. 47.
47. R. West, The Court and the Castle, New Haven 1958, s. 18.
48. C. E. L. Wingate, Shakespeare's Heroines on the Stage, New York 1895, s. 283-284, 288-289.
49. Ch. M. Yonge, History of Christian Names (1884), Chicago 1966, s. 346-347. ; 0867-0633
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Showalter E. - Przedstawiając Ofelię: kobiety, szaleństwo i zadania krytyki feministycznej | Oct 2, 2020 |