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The photo shows five women of different ages, similar to each other in their features. Two of them are sitting: the eldest one, dressed in black, in a headscarf on her head and a slightly younger one, also in black, with an uncovered head and long smoothly brushed hair. To the right two women are standing: one in a dark jacket, a white blouse underneath and a long blonde pony-tail slung over her right shoulder and the other, the youngest-looking one of them, in a white blouse and a dark skirt, holding a bunch of wildflowers in her hand. To the left of the seated women there stands another, virtually identical to the younger one sitting down. She is dressed in a light-coloured blouse and a dark skirt. She is holding in her arms a barefoot baby just over one year old dressed all in white clothes. Around the women there stand six children of different ages: four girls and two boys. The children are dressed tidily, are wearing shoes and are clutching flowers. The photo was shot in a garden against a background of grenery ; According to the owner of the photo, it shows his great-grandmother (the woman with the headscarf on) sitting on a chair and her daughters with their children. It was taken in 1928 ; The photo sent to the contest named “Photography of the Polish village pre-1948” organized in 1983 by the quarterly “Fotografia” (Photography) and the weekly “Nowa Wieś” (New village). Copy of the photo kept at the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology of the Polish Academy of Sciences (former Institute for the History of Material Culture)
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Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Programme Innovative Economy, 2010-2014, Priority Axis 2. R&D infrastructure ; European Union. European Regional Development Fund
Jan 13, 2023
Mar 18, 2015
Edition name | Date |
[1928], [Pięcioro kobiet z gromadką dzieci] [Dokument ikonograficzny] | Jan 13, 2023 |